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In order to form a gang, you need power, and in order to gain this said power you need to have money.

So I spent four months Doing nothing but gathering money, sleeping the bare minimum, saving any money I can, working in anything I can, I was thankful for the time I spend watching Koko work it sure taught me well.

By the end of those four months I gathered more than 50 million yens which was increasing day by day, they were mostly from gambling and selling drugs, my name got known pretty well in the underground world, I had some allies but I also had some enemies, got in many fights with gangs or just other criminals who considered me a threat lost some but won more.

And then came the harder part, finding trustworthy members, people who can make my gang known, strong and reliable but also smart, I don't want stupid people those would bring me down in a second.

I need people like the Bonten executives, loyal like Sanzu, rational like Kakucho, wise like Takeomi, smart like Koko, I want a good duo like the haitanis who can accomplish anything they want together, and I want someone who can keep everyone on check just like what Mochi does.

It's not that I want to be a copy cat of Bonten but I just want to form an organization that can stand in Bonten's face.

A gang that would spark Mikey's interest enough to consider a cooperation.

There is a well known place to start the search from, more like a well known person.

I made my way to the said place which was motorcycle repair shop, it wasn't too flashy but it was a place where most of the gangs knew by heart, if you want any information about anyone involved in our world you will find it in this place.

I entered the the shop and was greeted by a calm looking blond guy.

"Welcome, what can I help you with?" The man said.
"Is Draken here? I want to speak to him"
He nodded in understanding probably knowing why I asked for the male already "yea, I'll let him know now" then he disappeared into a room in the back.

Few moments later another tall black haired male with a dragon tattoo on his temple appeared, I never met Draken before but the guy in front of me fits the description I was given.

"You asked for me?" He asked.
"Yea, I want some info"
"Come with me" he led me into the back room and closed the door once the other blond male left us alone.

"Have a seat" he said ushering me to one of the chairs in the room while sitting on another one.

I decided to introduce myself first "I'm y/n"
"I know who you are, you got yourself pretty famous lately, so, what do you want to know?"
"Straight to the topic, I like it!" I said trying to ease up the situation, I'm not easily intimidated by people but Draken seemed like a person that I shouldn't get on his bad side, which kinda makes sense when you know almost every dangerous person in Tokyo.

"I want to form a gang, but not just any gang, I want it to be big enough to compete against Bonten" I said.
At the mention of Bonten his professional façade cracked a bit and he almost looked sad which was something I didn't expect.

I was expecting terrified, I expected him to yell and kick me out of the shop and never come back, but all I got was a faint look of sadness with a deafening silence.

"I refuse to help you" he simply said.
"What? Why?"
"Because it's stupid".
"It's for me to decide that".
"And it's for me to decide to help you" he shot back.
That silenced me but I refused to back down "I'll pay you, I'll give you any money you want"
He scoffed "if you know me, you know that I don't care about money"
"Then what do you want?!"
"Nothing from you"

Angel of Death (Bonten X Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now