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Right now everything felt unreal, I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing.

I never felt more betrayal than at this moment.
"Please just say this is a fucking sick joke!" I said.
"I'm sorry y/n, I always respected you but this is my only chance to finish this once and for all, please cooperate"
"What do you fucking mean by that?!" I screamed "you are with us Kuro, you even saved us from Hanma, hell he even shot you! You almost died!" This all didn't make any sense none of it did.

"It was all part of the plan, well except me saving you from Hanma" Kuro sat on one of the chairs his gun still aimed at me "the plan was leading you all to that abandoned place so Hanma can get into the headquarters and surprise Bonten, I faked a fatal injury so that you won't suspect me but the truth is I only got shot in my leg" Kuro's face was expressionless the whole time but then he got angry "my only condition while working with Hanma was that none of Jōgawara got hurt, but the fucker didn't care about that part and insisted on killing everyone".

He looked straight at my eyes "I'm not the bad guy here y/n, I sacrificed this whole plan and Hanma just to save you and the others, my only enemy is Bonten, I refuse to kill anyone else".

I was mad "not the bad guy? Your snipers are fucking hunting the people I love right now like animals! Even Jōgawara who you said want to save will get killed!" I reached for my gun but there was nothing there.

"Looking for this?" He had my gun, I didn't know when he managed to take it "I'm sorry y/n I won't let you stand in my way, not this time, and about the others my men have strict orders not to harm any of them"

"Why are you doing this? What did they do to you, I don't understand?!" I was shaking with anger at this point, everything I worked so hard on protecting is getting destroyed.

I was losing... Once again I was losing everything, how stupid of me to think that I saved everyone.

"Oh how should I start this, you know y/n, I used to have a nice family, my dad managed a licensed weapon's business and a small club, he never got involved with anyone from the criminal world, we had a peaceful life and you know what happened after? The glorious Bonten Killed him inside his office, so brutally that I didn't even recognize him at first, and my mother who couldn't live with that image in her head, soon killed herself, it all happened so fast I one day had a happy family and then the other day ... Nothing, I was alone" he looked more sad than angry, just defeated.

"Kuro I..." I had no Idea what to say, of course I knew Bonten were ruthless criminals and they did kill many people before, heck I even killed dozens of people when I was the eighth executive, but something seemed off about all this, yes Bonten killed people but they were never innocent, never someone who wasn't involved in the criminal world.

"Even the police didn't bother tracking them after seeing the surveillance camera footages and realizing that Bonten were the killers, nobody helped me, that until I met Hanma and I realized we both share the same Goal"

"No... No there has to be something wrong!" I said not wanting to believe him.
"What is here that can be wrong, y/n?!" He yelled "is it so hard to believe that your precious friends are a bunch of fucking cold blooded killers!"
"Does killing them makes you any better?!" I yelled back "let me out Kuro"
"Not until I make sure they are all dead"
"Fucking let me out!"
He pulled the trigger but he shot the wall behind me "you.. are not.. getting out till I get my revenge!" He then looked at his watch "it should be done any minute no-"

At this moment the door of the meeting room got broken revealing Mikey, Sanzu and Koko and upon seeing them Kuro's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"How? How are you still alive?" He yelled in disbelief.
"Do you really think we would agree to be your allies without at least running a background check on everyone on of you?" Sanzu grinned he had his gun aimed at Kuro's head "but I have to say, you concealed your identity really well Arima Kuro San".

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