Eleven| safer in numbers

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(Rewritten chapter I still don't like it💀)

Y/n continued to follow Alex down a abandoned alleyway their shoes squelched from the wet puddles and y/n shoved her hands deeper into her hoodie trying to hide the fact that they were shaking.

She internally cursed at herself and her nerves. Its been a while since something like that has happened and it surfaced a lot of unwanted memories that she was sure had locked away in a mental safe. Pushing the memories away she looked at the three men walking besides her.

Bones was glancing at y/n nervously like she was a wounded animal ready to spring at any second not that he would be wrong she was most definitely on edge and not in the most forgiving of moods.

Alex glanced at her and raised his hand to point out the next turn causing her to recoil and give him a stern look to which he returned with a small apologetic smile "sorry our hide out is over here" 

They we're lead to a small area that was closed off by what looked like an old curtain and they had a warm fire going in the middle burning shades of deep oranges and yellows.

It crackled sending a light grey smoke up into the air and a pleasant smell that burned her nose just slightly. She looked around as everyone gave her a curious glance.  A few of them remembered her and others were just getting a sense of Deja Vu.

She scanned the small crowd of men before leaning against a silver piece of metal in the corner. Alex, bones, and Kong got situated settling a few questioning men before turning back to her.

"So why am I here?" She asked looking at her gun as they watched worriedly and the others put their hands on their weapons.

The air was tense and only the sounds of crinkling firewood could be heard other than the anxious breathing of the gang members as she looked Alex in the eye with a deadly aura

"I just thought it would be safer for you you know safer in numbers?" He said laughing awkwardly at the end. She sighed and looked at him she could tell that he wasn't trying to trick her so she settled taking a seat near them.

Ok now what do you want in return? She thought before settling she felt calmer and actually safer than she would have at her apartment and decided to stay for a while or at least the night. If they offered not like she was going to ask of course.

She moved closer to the fire enjoying it'd warmth and then she looked over to Alex who looked back "you should maybe try staying here at least for the night.... Its not the safest right now Arthur's men are everywhere right now it would be a bad idea to go out"

Alex explained hoping that she would stay knowing that the boss actually took interest in her not that he admitted it.

She nodded moving to a corner and resting her arms and head on her knees. she looked up at him "if any of you pull something" she looked around sending everyone a glare that sent shivers down their spines  "I'll kill you all"

Most of the men looked away but Kong and bones nodded vigorously "we promise" bones started "we are no threat at all" Kong continued and y/n sent them an amused glance before nodding her head at Alex

before she layed her head back down watching the men settle and the other few keeping watch before she switched her piercing gaze to the crackling flames. She felt her eyes droop after some time and fell into a rather peaceful slumber.

Yeah sorry its shorter Im trying guys❤❤

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