Twenty-five| Quill

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Quill waved to red as they parted ways down separate alleyways, Red had things to do and y/n was taken by some of Dino's goons. He signed shoving his hands into his pockets as he trudged towards his beat down dreary house he shared with his mom. 

He fished for the keys in his pockets wiggling them through the rusty lock and jiggling the handle of the door until it finally swung open revealing an almost empty house. He threw his keys on the counter and walked towards  a slightly ajar room.

He peeked through the opening frowning when he saw the frail older woman breathing raggedly laying on top of the bed. He closed the door guilt tugging on the edge of his mind. 

He made his way to the kitchen throwing open lopsided nearly bare cabinets grabbing the last can of soup before dumping it into a pot on the stove. He closed his eyes releasing a deep breath. Once the soup warmed he poured it into a bowl and entered the older women's room again. 

"Hey mom I made you some food" he greeted as the she stirred slightly in her sleep. He gently shook her as her wrinkled eyes opened. He sat her up reaching to the bedside grabbing the bowl slowly feeding her the contents. 

"Thank you" she murmured shakily, he nodded bringing another spoonful to her lips. She ate in silence as he looked down at her as the room became melancholic. He laid the older women down covering her with a worn down duvet before taking his leave. 

He closed the door and released a large breath of air he didn't realize he was holding. He reached over to the counter grabbing his keys again shoving them into his pocket as he set out again. He trailed through run down alleyways filled with dumpsters that reeked of rotten food

He turned the corner coming onto a main sidewalk and noticed an expensive looking car parked along the side of the road. He frowned pulling up his mask that dangled loosely from his ears. 

The car turned on as he got farther away and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, he pulled out his phone from his pocket calling red, The call was sent to voicemail making him frown and quicken his pace. 

People passed him not noticing the potential danger they could be in he ran into someone but before he could mutter an apology he felt hands clamp down on his shoulders and drag him towards the car. 

Quill thrashed around as pedestrians walked around them pretending to be unaware of the oddity in front of them. "Let go of me!" He grumbled kicking his legs backwards at his kidnapper. 

They shoved him into the car and gave him a stern glare, "it's best to corporate kiddo" he placed his hands in between his legs and fiddled with his fingers while his leg bounced from anxiousness. He hoped that his mom would be okay and that he could make it back to her. 

The car ride was stuffy and quill felt like the air was suffocating he deducted that these men were Dino's and that y/n would get him out of any sticky situation that he could have gotten tangled in. 

The car slowed to a stop in front of a small yet expensive building, he looked around confused, from what y/n told him she lived in a mansion. He turned to the stoic man besides him, he had a gorilla like build and horse face. 

The older man stared down at him uninterested "let's go" quill anxiously picked at his hands following him. He looked around the eerily quiet property when he spotted an older man with a heavy build. 

He was sitting at a table sipping on a cup of tea while eating what looked to be a runny egg and pancakes. He smiled at him his crows feet wrinkling with the effort. "Nice work Blanca" quill stood awkward frowning behind his cloth mask. 

Blanca placed a hand on the younger boys shoulder pushing him into a metal chair across from Dino. He stared down at the older man with furrowed brows. "Why am I here?" He questioned harshly 

Dino picked up a napkin delicately wiping the corner of his mouth,  "your here because you know y/n" he replied simply making the other boys eyes go wide. "What does y/n have to do with this?" Dino reached down setting a suit case onto the table. 

"Your mom's sick? Correct?" He asked causing quills eyes to harden. Dino slipped papers onto the table containing medical records. "I can pay for her treatment" he said slyly

Quill shook his head "no, why would you have all people do that. Y/n told me how corrupt you are" he spat viciously. 

Dino nodded his head in agreement, "I may be corrupt but I don't dishonor a bargain" he replied slyly. Quill felt his tough exterior waver, his mom needed treatment but that was something quill couldn't even dream of affording. 

He looked down at the checkered tablecloth, "and what would I have to get this treatment" Dino smiled, he had gotten the reaction he wanted. After all he was known for knowing people's weaknesses and exploiting them. 

"Tell me son, how many people have you seen y/n with?" Quill gulped, "u-uh..just red and me mostly" he replied shakily. Dino looked thoughtful as he took a large bite of syrup coated pancake. 

"To get the treatment, I'd like you to inject your little red friend with this" he opened the black case revealing a small vial filled with a cloudy looking liquid. Quill frowned "what is that" he questioned feeling guilt for the exchange that was playing out.

His mom flashed in his mind and he grabbed the case "I'll do it" 


Y/n looked at quill from the corner of her eye he's been distant these past few days and something felt off. She skipped over to him tapping him on the shoulder "you okay dude?" She questioned watching his eyes follow red who ran to go grab their beat up soccer ball. 

Quill blinked and turned to her giving her a half smile "yeah, yeah just a lot of stuff going on" he told her almost shrugging off her concern. Y/n felt her smile fade "you know you can talk to me right?" She told him placing a gentle hand on his shoulder 

He shook her off lightly "yeah, of course, I'm going to go get red I'll be right back" y/n watched him go. She couldn't shake the feeling that something didn't seem right. 

She trudged off to follow him, she spotted him lightly side stepping while seeming to be searching for something or someone. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she moved to follow him 

She watched him sigh and walk back and she stepped out from behind the fire escape she was hiding behind. "What were you doing" she asked accusation in her tone. He jumped as his eyes widened. 

"Y-y/n, I wasn't doing anything what are you doing here" he deflected sliding his hand into his pocket. Y/n scoffed reaching for his pocket as he moved away. "Y/n come on I don't want to do this" he frowned holding his hand out in front of him. 

Y/n shook her head, "your acting suspicious quill, what were you trying to do" his gaze darkened. "Y/n leave" she glared back at him "Quill" she said his name in warning. 

He moved first grappling with her the two of them tumbled as pushes and light hits were exchanged. Curses were thrown between them until the injection fell out of his pocket. He fell onto his back reaching for it bringing it towards y/n's face. 

She gave him an incredulous look "this?! What is this" she screamed grabbing his arm as he strained against her. "Sorry y/n I have to do this" he replied y/n kicked him making distance between them. She pulled out her gun aiming it at him, "don't make me" she warned he frowned "I have to" 


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