Nine| where is he?

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Y/n was serving tables surprised that Nadia didn't fire her when she showed back up.

All she had done was hugged the younger girl and said that she was glad that she was ok.

Y/n was perplexed.

Why would she care about her? She's basically a stranger. Nonetheless y/n felt fuzzy inside thinking that someone actually cared about her.

Shorter was more cautious around her. He had looked her up like ash said too and it turned out that she was an assassin for her father Colonel Foxx until she's twelve and sold to Golzine.

In the records her father is dead but from the information ash gave him he seems to have faked his death. Similar to y/n. It says that she died at 12.

But thats obviously not true the irritable teen was right in front of him serving one if there regulators.

So the question is what happened in those five years?
"come again or don't" y/n said to a customer that left.

Shorter let out an awkward laugh and ran his fingers through his purple colored Mohawk.

"she just needs work" Nadia said noticing shorter looking at the girl who was....trying to smile at a customer

(ever seen Kageyama's smile. Yup that's the one)

"yea I guess your right" he said walking into the kitchen.

Y/n heard the bell ring and she saw a young looking boy with a red jacket and black hair walk in with a scowl in his face.

"hello what do you want" she said looking at him. "Im not here for food Im here for shorter"

he said glaring at the h/c haired girl who looked bored out if her mind. "what do you want with the dumbass?" She asked

"hey who are you calling dumb!" He said defending shorter who came out of the kitchen with an apron that said kiss the cook.

"hey calm down kid This is the new waitress." He eyed her with distastefuly and shorter looked over to y/n. "he's a friend" he explained.

She nodded and looked at his apron snorting "nice apron" she said sarcastically. "I know right? Can I get a kiss?" He asked leaning down.

Y/n made a gagging sound "In your dreams you over grown pineapple"  she said before walking away.

"Why are you so mean to me!?" He called out jokingly before turning back to smaller boy "What is it? Is there something wrong with the gang?" He asked and he watched the boy look around

"authors men are going to raid Ash's bar. I just thought that I should warn you" he said

"good job Shin" he said turning around giving Nadia a look before grabbing his phone and putting the apron in a vacant table.

Y/n watched as the purple haired boy left in a rush. I wonder why? She thought before shrugging her shoulders.

I don't care she thought turning to serve another customer.

It was the end of the day and surprisingly shorter didn't come back to nag y/n like he usually does.

As much as she hated to admit it she was worried about him. But she pushed her feelings aside and shoved her hands in her pockets.

He's a gang leader she thought looking at the dark streets ahead of her. Passing the  occasional pedo or beggar she finally mad wit to Ash's bar.

They have been meeting at his bar usually sitting in comfortable silence or challenging each other to pool games.

She felt like they had come closer but her wall was still safely in place. She knew that he had one too.

It was like a silent agreement that both of them had. I won't pry into your past or business and you won't mine.

She opened the bar and looked a the mess. There were smashed booze bottles. Dried blood and the tables were pushed everywhere.

He must have gotten into a fight....I winder if he's okay? Quickly pushing the thought out if her head she turned to leave the bar when she heard a chuckle.

Walking faster to avoid conflict she reached her house that has remained untouched since she killed the man Golzine sent for her.

Plopping down on her bed she couldn't help but think. Where was ash lynx?

Sorry for the late update I've been busy

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