Eighteen| Twisted memories

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Ash treaded through the tall grass on his way to the bar, the night was eerily silent not even a cricket chirping or the sound of an owl could be heard. Ash's gut told him something was going to happen and he placed a hand on his gun the cool metal comforting him

Footsteps came from behind him and he turned around quickly whipping out his gun clicking the hammer his finger ready on the trigger "holy shit dude calm the fuck down it's just me!" Red shouted and ash lowers the gun

"What are you doing out here?" He asked placing his gun back into his pants waist band. Red reached into her pocket pulling out a pack of cigarettes "taking a hit where y/n won't find me, got a light?"

She asked placing the cigarette into her mouth "yeah" ash pulled out a small black lighter tossing it to her and she caught it effortlessly "thanks man, so whatcha doing out here?" She asked exhaling a puff of smoke and walking towards him handing him the lighter back which he pocketed 

"I just wanted some fresh air, the truck needs fixed and I'm mapping out the next few days" ash commented walking leisurely staring at the coastline outlining the bright city of New York. Red quietly followed behind him her brow furrowed and she nibbled on the bottom of her lip 

"Penny for your thought's?" Ash asked sitting on the ground crossed legged using his hands to prop himself up as he let the gentle breeze keep him cool. Red sat besides him flicking her cigarette bud 

"Worried about y/n is all, she's gotten herself in too much trouble I'm afraid this time" she smiled looking down with a chuckle "I think I've gotten myself too far in too" she whispered and ash raised an eyebrow "what?"

She laughed biting her lip turning away "nothing, ahh what a nice night don't you agree?" She said Turning her attention to the sky "it would be a shame if someone came and ruined it, like if they didn't wait for the right time to interrupt a night like this" 

Ash gave her a weary look "I guess so" hearing a start light noise he turned his head but was quickly distracted by red falling into a fit of noisy coughs "this is why she doesn't want you smoking" he said Looking around the now empty field which seemed to have lost its unsettling feeling

Red chuckled turning her head to him "well she's a worrywart that's for sure been like that since we were kids.." she trailed off her eyes loosing their playful look as they turned into darker. 

She stood up dusting off her pants "well mr. lynx our chat was lovely but I have a van to go sleep in~ night night" she said giving him a fake smile and wave before turning to walk off her movements stiff

Ash watched with calculating gaze "well you know what they say, smart people know when to play dumb"


"Y/n! Long time no see, we missed you!" Quill said smiling running up to the h/c haired girl with a beat up soccer ball tucked underneath his arm as he held out the other for a hug. Y/n embraced him breathing in the comfort of his slight coppery scent with a hint of lemon. 

It was quills odd scent and uniquely his, no matter how weird it was it would never be less comforting. "We really did miss you n/n, red the most she should be on her way" he said happily pulling away looking her over

"You look good, hey let's play some soccer while we wait yeah?" They ran around the dirty alleyway kicking around the half deflated ball laughing until red came bounding through the ally her wild auburn hair flowing behind her in long fuzzy strands. 

"Y/n im so glad your okay I was so so so worried!" Red said throwing herself into y/n's arms making her stumble "group hug!" Quill yelled enveloping both girls into a tight hug. Y/n happily closed her eyes this was her home

Suddenly the hug became too tight and her eyes opened seeing blood dripping from quills head in gushing rivers as red cried "you killed me n/n...I trusted you" y/n cried "im sorry I had no choice" red stepped away from the hug glaring at her

"Murder" y/n shook her head "no I didn't, I didn't want to it's not my fault" red pulled out a gun "join him in hell monster"


Y/n shot up out of her sleep placing a hand on her racing heart her forehead clammy from the cold sweat she must have broke out in while dreaming and she laid back down after looking over at red who was besides her with her leg draped over shorter's body an arm flopped in an awkward position and her mouth open as soft snores escaped with each breath

"Just a dream" y/n murmured laying back down with her arm underneath her head "just...a twisted memory" 

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