Seven| Followed

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Y/n weaved though the crowd of oblivious people her head hung low. She hadn't gone to work in three days. Can't risk it she thought walking down an abandoned alleyway.

Someone is following me she thought putting her hand in her gun that was in the waistband of her pants. She waited a few moments before disappearing in the crowd again.

Maybe he was bluffing? I need to go to work but I don't want to put dumbass and Nadia in danger she thought. She made it back to her apartment and saw the door open.

She took out her gun and flipped on the light switch. The apartment was wrecked and she sighed once she didn't see any intruders.

Why would they do this? She thought picking up the loose things that were on the floor and setting them back into there places. She noticed a note in her seat and picked it up.

To my dear little fox

Nice place you have here. Its such a shame you weren't home. And it sounds like my fox needs disciplined again. Your father is a busy person he doesn't have time to deal with his bratty daughter. So I suggest you come to the manner or things will get ugly. Sweet dreams little fox see you again soon.


Y/n crumpled the paper un disguste throwing it in the trash bin. This motherfucker she thought running her fingers through her h/l h/c hair.

Im going out she thought. I am going to have to check for bugs and trackers in my clothes and apartment now. Knowing dino he likes to play dirty. Who am I kidding everything about him is dirty

Y/n's train of thought was interrupted by the sounds of heavy footsteps. Am I being followed?

She walked to a less populated area and took out a pocket mirror. Looking behind her she saw a figure in a black hood. A visible gun was on his waist.

Snapping it shut she started walking faster only for the person behind her to speed up as well. Now she was running through alleyways.

"hey get back here!" A bullet whizzed past y/n almost hitting her side. Shit! She thought turning a corner. She saw the bar that she met ash in.

Not many people should be in there she thought running into it. By she was wrong and the bar was as filled as the last time.

"hey where have you been?" Ash asked. He was startled that the mystery girl had just ran into his bar. Shorter and Nadia have been wondering why she didn't show up at work these past few days.

Even though shorter and ash knew where she lived they weren't going to show up randomly unless they had to.

  But now here she was panting in his bar a frown etched on her face.

"none of your business" she said before the door slammed open revealing one of dino's men.

What the hell? Ash thought reaching for his gun but he stopped when the intruder opened his mouth.

"hey little girl I don't have time for this. Just get in the dam car" y/n smerked "as tempting as that sounds Im going to have to pass"

She's involved with dino? Ash thought "thats it" the man said pulling out his fun and clicking the hammer. Y/n laughed "you can't kill me. If dino wants be back Im sure if it. So quit bluffing"

"you stupid bit-" the sound of A gunshot rang through the bar. Everyone's attention was on the h/C haired girl with her revolver pointed at the area the fallen man used to stand.

A bullet hole was through his head and blood pooled in the floor and splattered everywhere and even on a few people who where unlucky enough to be sitting there

"tch, gross" y/n said wiping her face. Ash was startled he hadn't expected her to actually pull the trigger.

"damit. Ill have someone clean this up" she said looking up from the dead man in the floor to look at the  jade green eyes that she hated yet loved.

"we need to talk" y/n rolled her eyes. "clean this" ash said to a few of his trusted gang members bones, Kong, and Alex.

Ash lead y/n to a quieter corner ordering two beers he sat down. "who are you?" Y/n glared at him "none if your business and Im sure you already know"

"Cut the crap. You know dam well I searched you up. Who. Are. You?"

Y/n glared straight into.Ash's eyes both of them not backing down to one another. "Y/n Foxx. Aslan"

I don't know I don't really Like this chapter and i rewrote it twice. But I hope you enjoyed.

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