Eight| A fox and a lynx

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As soon as the words "Aslan" left y/n's lips with a smerk ash glared at her. "How do you know my name?" He asked while he thought about her name.

It didn't ring any bells. He usually remembers everyone's name. Especially if she was an enemy. Nut he knows for a fact that he has never seen her face before.

Y/n took a sip out of her beer watching as Ash kept his glare but she could tel that a million questions were swarming in him head.

With a sarcastic chuckle she set down her drink watching as ash watched her cautiously.

"calm down lynx. You're not the only one who can do research" ash deflated a little bit at this.

Of course she would have researched him. She seemed the type after all. He couldn't judge because he did the same.

"why is Golzine after you?" He asked leaning back into his chair a beer bottle in his hand filled with the alcoholic beverage.

"As a pet like you" she said with a disgusted face before going back to her neutral expression.

Ash titled his head. The whole time he was with Golzine he has never heard of a y/n Foxx.

"This was a nice talk and I'd love to chat more but I have things to do. How much for cleaning up the body?" Y/n asked standing up.

Ash waved his hand "free" nodding y/n walked out the bar. As soon as the h/c haired girl left Ash's gang started asking him questions.

"who was she?" "Why did she kill him?" "Should we kill her?" Ash looked up at his gang making them go silent "its none if your concern" he said before walking out the bar as well.


"You think I'm stupid old man?" Y/n said bad she smashed bugs and two small trackers. Leaving the shards in an abandoned ally way she went back to her apartment.

Closing the door she let out a sigh. Maybe me and ash could team up?

Shaking her head she grabbed a towel going over to her shower to wash off the dried blood. I don't have patience she thought.

I'll just have to take on the mafia by myself.


Ash walked to China town. "Shorter" ash greeted when he saw the familiar purple Mohawk. "hey have you seen her yet?" Ash nodded telling shorter about what happened at the bar.

"look up y/n Foxx" ash said before waving and leaving walking over to dino's mansion.

He was already requested to come so why not get a few answers while he's there.

"hey ash" Marvin said with a sneer. Flicking the pig off ash walked inside if dino's house and was escorted by two of dino's body guards.

"hello ash" dino said sitting on a couch while petting a fat lazy house cat. 

"why is y/n Foxx?" Ash asked getting straight to the point. Dino let out a low chuckle that sounded anything but welcoming.

"So my little fox met the lynx huh" ash squinted his eyes.

"It's none of your concern ash. But what I wanted to ask was did the man give you anything?"

Ash kept his poker face "not a thing old man" dino smiled dispite knowing that he was being lied to. Ash waved sarcastically before leaving.

Dino's fake smile faded into a glare as he watched his prize possession walk out his door. If the lynx and the fox team up it could cause trouble.

A lynx un-tameable  and fierce and a fox sly, cunning and charming. Both are smart. So if they team up. It could be my downfall.

I don't know about this chapter. But I hope you liked it

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