Ten| Ash's Gang

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The past few days Y/n has been anxious. The bar was being swarmed with men that kept following her and trying to take her to dino.

Ash was no where to be seen and shorter hasn't been at Chang Dai. She even went out to ask his men and they haven't seen him either.

She was now finishing up her shit late as usual because she didn't have the heart to leave her by herself.

She's showed her so much kindness and she didn't have the heart. "thanks again y/n" Nadia said gratefully looking at y/n who was silently wiping down a table deep in thought

She looked up and nodded "your welcome" throwing the dirty disposable rag away before washing her hands.

"See ya tomorrow" she said putting back on her black hoodie and walked away her hands in her pockets.

Now to think about it I haven't Sen his men either she thought walking along the damp streets from the previous rain.

Having the urge to go back to the bar she walked over there. Feeling a pair of eyes on her she tried to hide more into her hoodie that was doing a pretty good job of covering her face.

"Ah~ so this is the little fox" y/n turned around at the sound of a males voice as he taunted her.

She glared at him and reached for the gun in her waist band. "ah ah ah~ I wouldn't do that if I were you" he said smirking.

He had light brown skin and was holding a gun pointed at her. She glared thinking that he wouldn't be fast enough when she heard the sound of a hammer clicking behind her.

"your surround babe" another voice said this one sounded more sly and untrustworthy.

She turned around slightly and saw a pale skinned boy with a revolver pointed at her head.

She slowly put her hands up not saying a word glaring a the people before her.

They chuckled the pale skinned one reaching into her waist band more than was necessary the feeling of his disgusting hands lingered on her skin.

"well little fox" the brown wan started lowering his weapon looking at her with a smerk

"the boss said we had to bring you in alive... He never said anything about not playing with you"/

She gritted her teeth as they chuckled. These assholes she thought steaming with rage.

One if them pushed her against the wall his arm across her throat.  He smirked at how vulnerable she looked at the moment.

Reaching to his belt his friend crackled in the background and y/n glared at him trying to catch her breath clawing at his arm.

He chuckled and held both of her hands above her head. " listen here sweetheart we can do this the easy way or the hard way"

he said and she glared head butting him causing him to fall to the ground. She pushed herself off the wall and kicked him in the groin.

Before grabbing his gun out of his waistband pointing it at the other man that was coming at her.

"one more step and I'll blow your fucking head off" she said glaring at him and he put his hands up shaking slightly and threw over his guns.

She looked at the man groaning on the floor in pain and chuckled at him "listen here sweetheart we can do this the easy way or the hard way" she taunted

"tell me who your boss is? Who is he working for?! And god so help me if you lie you will be wishing I killed you instead. Start talking"

she said shooting the man across from her in the forehead causing the one in the floor to let out a terrified scream as he watched his friends life less body fall to the ground blood pooling around him. 

"i-i work for A-Arthur he sent me to get you for d-dino I don't have a choice! I promise. All he said was get you and you will get ash lynx as well." he cried

tears streaming down his face as he looked at the girl above him who was giving him a murderous glare.

"Anything else you'd like to share?" she asked pressing her gun harshly to his head

"n-no! I told you everything I swear please don't k-" before he could finish his sentence the sound of a gunshot rang through the air.

Feeling the blood hit her face she closed her eyes upon impact. Wiping her face with the back of her hand she stood up standing over the bloody body.on the floor.

She heard footsteps and pointed her gun In the direction if the sound . "w-wait! please don't shoot! Your the girl from the bar right?"

A pink haired boy along with a brown skinned boy emerged from around the corner a blonde following them. She nodded curtly not putting down her gun.

"yea what's it to you?" They shivered slightly at her tone and appearance. She was covered in blood and was looking at them her eyes burning with hidden rage.

"we're with ash" the blonde one started and he saw her relax a tad bit but still didn't lower her weapon.

"I'm Alex this is bones and Kong" he said pointing to himself and each person as he called out there name.

"Where is he?" She asked looking at them and bones shrugged "we haven't seen boss in a few days" Alex nodded and she lowered her gun walking towards them.

They shivered from the intense look that she was giving all three if them. "is that so" she asked wiping the blood splatters off her gun.

They nodded and Alex gestured for her to follow them "come with me its not safe out here" she sighed before following him down the alleyway.

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