Six| unwanted emails

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Why is that so cute?👆

Shorter took the paper that one of his men handed him. "Here boss. There wasnt much but I got everything I could" shorter took the envelope seeing a few pieces of paper in them.

"thanks" he sat on a chair and pulled out the white papers that held answers that he and ash wanted. Who was that girl?

He looked at her page.

Name: y/n sky l/n

Date of birth: May 3rd

Gender: female

Age: 17

Parents: unknown

Siblings: unknown

Hair color: h/c

Eye Colour: e/c

Home address: **********

Phone number: **********

Y/n works at chang Dai. She lives on Ash's territory at ********. Doesn't seem to have anything on her. Its like she appeared out of thin air two years ago.

No credit cards, Ex-jobs, nothing. She was seen at Ash's bar a few days ago. Also seen at the public library often. Doesn't have social media.

Isn't seen with anyone other than ash lynx, shorter Wong, Nadia Wong, and skipper.

Email address is unknown as well. Has been seen with weapons. Specifically a dagger and a  smith Wesson colt Python revolver.

Shorter flipped through the pages becoming mire and more confused. How is someone's record so clean. And how dis she just appear out of nowhere?

He threw the papers on the table running his hand over his face. She doesn't seem like a threat but then again mist dangerous people don't.

She hasn't proven to be untrustworthy yet but you never know what she could be plotting. Shorter sighed.

He didn't want to force Nadia to fire her. But he also didn't want this unknown mystery girl near his sister.

I should call ash he thought taking his phone out of the back pocket of his blue jeans.

He was in his hideout with his gang gossiping and looking at their boss with curiosity.

Shorter put the phone up to his ear waiting for ash to answer. "Hello?" Ash's annoyed voice said on the other line.

"ash I got the papers. Im sending them to you now" he said sending the pictures. He heard ash go silent on the other line signaling that he was reading or thinking.

"I say don't trust her. She must be connected to someone if all of her info has been wiped clean." Ash said

To be honest he was a little disappointed hearing this news. He wanted her to be a normal girl....well a normal girl with severe anger issues.

Maybe he even hoped that him and the stubborn girl could've been friends. But this just shows that you can't trust everyone.

"ok...I gatta go tell Nadia she'll help me decide talk to ya later"


Y/n was off early today and decided to go home and relax. "Ugg" she said as she turned on her laptop and saw thirty unread emails.

As she was sifting through them she came across one that made her heart drop.

To: Y/n Foxx
From: Dino Golzine

I found you little one. If you don't come home by tomorrow I will send me men out for you and maybe even get your father involved. You wouldn't want that would you little fox?

Y/n looked at her screen in horror. I thought I ran away from that jackass....... She slammed her laptop closed and backed away from it running her fingers through her hair.

I have to do something... Im not running or moving. She thought with a determined face. If I have to run from a mafia then so be it.

I need better weapons she thought looking at her old hand gun and daggers. Fly..she thought with a smerk.

She threw a hoodie on and a pair of plain black baggy pants. Now is defiantly not the time to attract attention to myself she thought avoiding the other people walking on the busy sidewalks.

The sound of shoes hitting the concrete was making her feel paranoid. Every little sound or movement made her feel on edge.

She found an abandoned underground subway station and she knew that fly or one of his guys were usually here.

"fly" she said when she noticed someone standing in my way of the entrance. "What business?" the brown skinned boy with his head shaved in a buzz cut asked.

He was wearing a white tank top and a pair of jeans. He was flexing his muscles to make himself look tougher than he actually was.

Y/n rolled her eyes at the idiot in front if her and crossed her arms over her chest.

"For a weapon duh" he moved to the side and allowed y/n entrance shooting her a glare when her back was roo him.

She was kinda scary...he thought before turning back to the staircase.

Y/n grimaced was she saw how dirty it was down here. Like I get that this is a hideout but you could be cleaner.

"hey how can I help you?" Fly said and she was slightly pleased that he didn't remember her.

To be fair it was years ago when she was only thirteen and she only met him about five times before disappearing.

"I need a colt Python smith & Wesson revolver. Also a few daggers and a butterfly knife. Also a gun and knife holder (you know that thing that straps to your thigh)

" I actually got a new shipment little lady. Come on" fly said looking at the shorter girl in amusement.

"would you like to test em out?" He asked his arms were crossed as he watched the girl inspect the weapons. "yes" she replied curtly.

Gestured to the wall with a target drawn in it. She held the gun and pulled down on the latch before taking a deep breath and pulling the trigger.

The sound of the gun going off left a satisfying ring in y/n's ear. Walking up to the target she looked for where she shot.

"wow almost a bulls eye. You got quite the aim" fly praised.

Y/n ignored him picking out bullets. "Here" she said handing him a wad of cash. She kept it just for an emergency like this and now she was actually broke.

Fly licked his hand and counted the money while y/n attached the gun and knives to her thighs.

Dam...for thought while looking at them before looking away when she shot him a glare. "Ok thats all if it you can go hun" he said with a wink.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked off. When she was above ground again the wind picked up her h/L h/c making it sway and shift with the wind.

She looked around putting a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes. She glared at the streets and alleyways.

Come at me motherfucker

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