Twenty-Four| Truths

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(I think this music fits the chapter so well)

Shorter burst into Alexis Dawson's manner with a panicked look, eiji who had been downstairs sipping on a glass of herbal tea gave him a confused look his dark eyes shining in worry. "Are you okay shorter?" He asked peering behind him frowning when he didn't notice y/n. 

Shorter panted bending to put his hands on his knees as he gasped for breath, "I need to see ash" he wheezed.  The young Asian nodded quickly scurrying to find the blonde.

 Shorter's eyes shook. He had been followed he could feel it but he didn't have any other choice than to come here. So many lives were on the line, yet he couldn't help himself but feed into the constant regret that flowed through his mind. 

Fast paced footsteps ran up to him as he looked up sweat dribbling down his nose, he looked down in shame as Ash bent down in front of him  placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. what's wrong shorter?" He asked sternly but not unkind. 

"ash, the ghosts are here" shorter replied his voice taunt. He regretted leaving her there but he knew if they both were taken no one could warn the others.

 He wished it was him who had gotten shot, instead of causing all these problems. He closed his eyes as tears welled in his eyes. "I'm sorry ash" he quaked, he was sorry for more than leaving y/n there, but he couldn't let him know that. 

 ash lowered his eyes "so they have y/n?" He asked his fist clenching. Shorter looked up nodding "she got injured on our way back from Chinatown" he informed his voice dropping to a whisper "I'm pretty sure we have eyes on us right now"

Ash glanced around giving him a subtle nod, behind them Yut lung glowered before his expression shifted into one of worry "oh no did something happen" he questioned holding his hand to his chest

Ash looked behind him skeptically before guiding shorter up "we're all good here" ash told him his voice tight with impatience. "I see" yut lung replied his voice oddly cold. Before ash could comment Max suddenly ran into the room full of panic "it's Jessica" he pleaded  

Ash stood up his green eyes burning "Let's go, eiji stay here with ibe. Shorter stay here with them I don't need any extra problems" he ordered as he gazed around the now full room. "

Where's red?" He questioned as the hairs on his neck stood. Everyone shrugged as the blonde cursed, "let's just go" he told max as they raced to the car leaving shorter with yut lung who devilishly smirked "time to prove your loyalty, Shorter Wong"


Red raced along the roads pressing down on her horn as she swerved past cars "fucking shit!" She yelled pressing down on the gas. Her engine growled as rain began hitting her windshield pelting it with small clear raindrops that tediously filled her ears with clinks. 

The rain began to fall heavier obstructing her view causing her to slow. "DAMNIT" she yelled pressing down on her horn once again earning a few honks in response she ended at a stop light. Before she pressed her head to the steering wheel "what am I doing?" She whispered to herself 

Broken memories filtered into her head as she felt hatred curl at the edge of her mind, she sat up straighter wiping the tears that began to form she hardened her expression "I know why I'm here" she repeated to herself, before starting off again. 

She pulled off into a stray alleyway, she turned off the car reaching into the backseat for an umbrella before exiting her car the door closed with a heavy thud making her wince at the echo. She saw a man dressed in black who gave her a professional once over. 

"Red I assume" he stated his voice almost robotic as she swallowed nervously "yes that's me" he regarded her lightly "all weapons must be confiscated" he explained holding out his hand expectantly. Red grabbed her gun and gave it to him wearily. 

"Right this way" he guided her placing a hand on her lower back and walking her to a limo sitting idly at the end of the alleyway. He opened the door and she slid in realizing she wasn't alone. 

Her heartbeat quickened as she stared at the man besides her. He gave her a tooth filled smile as he held out his wrinkled hand. "Good to see you my dear" he greeted sinisterly. Red paled before handing her hand over she grimaced at the visible shake before placing it in his. 

He watched her intently his hazel eyes monitoring her expressions, as he placed a delicate kiss on her knuckles. "I hope you don't have regrets" he trailed off tauntingly. Red pulled her hand back resting it back in her lap "no papa, i don't have any regrets" 

She bit her lip nervously as he nodded In amusement "good, because theirs no turning back now" he mused as she felt the vehicle begin to move 

She stared out the window as rain drops flowed down the window in rapid succession, there's no turning back she thought to herself sourly her eyes glossy. She released a sigh clenching her eyes shut. 

"I'm so sorry y/n" 

Soon they arrived to his mansion when she was directed to another room, she frowned "I have an arrangement with Dino gozline" she protested. The maid peered at her meekly 

"You have to get ready for a dinner my lady" she quietly reassured "don't worry he's arranged for you two to talk once your dressed" red nodded letting the small brown haired girl to lead her to her guest room that she would now be staying in. 

Red dressed in a white dress accented with gold as her auburn hair was held up with various hair pins and sprays. She looked at herself in the mirror when she was done. Her eyes were somber and she couldn't quite get herself to relish in her accomplishments. 

She wanted answers and she would be getting them tonight. 

She marched to gozline's office where he sat playing with the rings on his fingers. "I held up my end of the bargain" she started only to be silenced with a hand "of course my dear, I'll tell you who killed your friend" 

Red squinted settling into the chair, "so..?" He grinned his eyes shining in pure malice. "It was your dear y/n who betrayed you and killed that poor unsuspecting little boy" red felt the blood in her veins run cold. 

"W-what?" She questioned her eyes filling with tears as they warmly ran down her face "y/n shot him in cold blood" he replied watching her anguished expression with glee. Red released a sob as she looked down at her hands. 

Suddenly she stood up marching out of the room her feet stomping on the polished tiles of the mansion with a new found purpose. 

And that was to kill y/n. 

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