Sixteen| Edward Foxx

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Y/n sat on the roof watching as the sky turned various shades of oranges and pinks. It was.pretty but she knew that this serene feeling wouldn't last.

Golzine was most definitely going to call her father now if he hadn't already and she wasn't looking forward to it. Him and his ghosts were dangerous. And deep down she felt afraid.

Hearing footsteps behind her she turned seeing that familiar blonde with a purple bruise blooming on his forehead. "Did the lynx wake up from his beauty rest? " she taunted a small smirk playing at the edge of her lips.

Ash rolled his eyes but noted that they seemed more open once Red joined there little revenge on Golzine group. And he couldn't say that he didn't mind it. Seeing her playful side revealed more of her character

"yeah yeah whatever" he mumbled sitting next to her. The both of them sitting in complete silence before eiji joined them on the roof "Max has a lead"


"so they experimented on soldiers? Hence your brother's death and this Abraham's involvement" they nodded and y/n sighed "and there has been records of a man using it to work his way up the political ladder under the name David Koonis" Max said throwing an old news paper into the wooden table.

Y/n visibly stiffened before glaring at the paper "that's not his real name hi's real name is Edward Foxx" Max scratched his head "Foxx? Didn't he fight in a war a decade or two back and died"

Y/n snorted and crossed her arms over her chest "that's what he wants you to think. That man is the next Hitler. He's planning on becoming present but thats just a nice way of putting it. He wants to rule this world" y/n said disgusted and ash raised a brow.

"isn't your last name Foxx?" Y/n shook her head and she saw Red come up behind her and place a comforting hand on her shoulder "no. Its l/n. But that man is my father. More like sperm donor but whatever"

Shrugging off reds hand she punched the. Bridge of her nose. "That being said. He moves under the radar. Him and his other ghosts are trained Assassin's or former military. All crooked of course. They chose to side with him. For power some even leaving there families behind to stage their death."

Shorter gave a concerned yet questioning look to ash waiting for him to respond or react.  Eiji was glaring at Ibe who's trying to convince the young Japanese to return to Japan.

"Please eiji. Don't you see the mess that's happening here. I don't want you to be a part of it" Ibe pleaded and eiji's eyes hardened "I'm not leaving Ibe-san and you can't make me"

Ash signed and sat down on a chair "so Im guessing the old man has ties with this wanna be ghost and now things just got ten times more complicated"

Red chuckled "that just makes it more interesting" she said with a wink but her expression became serious "we have to think of our next move though. Foxx uses strategy. He sees this whole thing like a game of chess" she shuddered "he's always two steps ahead and he likes toying with his "prey".

Y/n looked down at her white and f/c sneakers glaring at the floor while clenching her hand.


Y/n ran her legs pumping as fast as she could. Russia was cold this time of year but it don't slow her down she was trained for this. Her boots crunched on the snow leaving her footprints behind. Y/n mentality cursed. That would lead him right to her.

Looking around as she ran she found her escape. Bingo she thought running a few minutes longer before walking backwards in her footprints before she reached the spot she was previously at and started climbing the stacked empty wooden crates.

That should keep him off my trail for a little bit she thought to herself triumphantly before cursing underneath her breath as she got a splinter. But she didn't have time to worry about that she had to run away from this hell hole she called home

Hoisting herself onto the roof she started running while trying to keep her balance. The roofs had a thin layer of snow but that wasn't think problem it was the layer of ice underneath.

Jumping to a nearby roof she slipped and held onto the edge. She could hear her heart beating in her ears and her breathing was ragged as she struggled to hold on. She lost a grip with one of her hands and she felt her other hand loose grip.

Falling to the ground she landed on a garbage can cutting herself on whatever bottle was on top of it. most likely vodka from the sting she felt as the liquid oozed Into her surface level cut on her leg. She stood up and stumbled.

I sprained my ankle.

Hearing footsteps she released that they caught up to her. Running the as fast as she could with an injury she ran to the docks. Scanning for leaving boats she sighed in relief finding a cargo boat and hid inside a crate filled with apples.

Taking a knife from her holster on her thigh she cut a few breathing holes and settled Into the box. Smiling "I did it..I'm going to make it to New York. Im coming mom"

Shouts could be head as she felt the box get lifted onto the boat and she squeezed her eyes shut. Please...please don't let me get caught. Y/n felt herself sway and she knew she was on the boat.

Y/n fell asleep on the journey there from what y/n gathered its been three full days out at sea eating nothing but apples. Y/n was dehydrated but we willed herself to keep going with her free future looming in front of her.

(ik it would take more time but for story purposes-)

But when she emerged from the crate a hand clamped  down on her Shoulder "we have her Mr. Foxx just as you predicted" y/n looked up fearfully seeing an old white band man with an ugly mustache giving her a small smirk.

"I would be delighted to. Would you like to speak with her? But of course" he lowered the phone down the shocked girl and she reached for it with shaking hands.

"I'm always two steps ahead of you my beautiful y/n. But since you don't want to behave I'll have Mr. Golzine tame you. Hmm? Maybe then you'll appreciate all of what I've done and sacrificed for you. Consider this a lesson."

Y/n felt warm tears stream down her chubby face face. This wasn't fair. She didn't do anything to deserve this. She just wanted a normal eight year old childhood. But that's a wish that will never be fulfilled no matter how many stars or dandelions she wished on.

"you'll never out smart me"

I think he's Russian- if Not then oh well now he is✌

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