Fifteen| foxes can't swim

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( ik guys its been a while I missed you)

They all gathered supplies for there journey. The plan was to corner dino. Y/n and red were off to the side carrying a small box of bullets as they watched the three boys in front of them laugh and joke with each other.

Red looked over to y/n who looked content and smiled "I really missed you y/n, truly" she said giving her a soft smile and y/n returned it "I missed you too, what have you been up too these past few years?" She asked

She shrugged "nothing really.... I visited quill's grave everyday for a year it really hit me hard Y'know" y/n felt a pang of guilt swell up in her chest. Quill was reds old lover who she had a crush on for years. It was just the three of them through their early teen years.

"Im sorry" Y/n said and red shoved her playfully "its not like it's your fault" y/n grimaced and Ash looked back "yo! Keep up" he said as they neared the truck. Y/n rolled her eyes And red chuckled "he's a piece of work but he reminds me of you" y/n gave her a jokingly offended look

"me like him? I am highly offended don't even talk to me" she said faking anger and red laughed "im sorrry please forgive me!" She played along as y/n huffed and looked  away climbing into the truck as ash gave them a confused look.

"fine then I guess you don't want the pocky I bought for you.... Its chocolate flavored" she teased and y/n cracked a smile "ok I forgive you"

shorter walked over "you look so. Cute when you smile~" y/n gave him a disgusted look making ash chuckle along with eiji. "And you are so attractive when you don't speak"

shorter lowers his glasses dramatically making ash and red roll there eyes "so you admit Im attractive" y/n threw a pocky at his forehead making red make a noise of disagreement "don't waste food!"

Y/n shrugged popping one in her mouth and offering the box to eiji and ash as they got ready to face dino. Eiji watched the exchange happily it was almost like they have all been friend's for a while dispite only knowing each other for a few days. It felt cozy he thought.

During the ride eiji fell asleep on Ash's shoulder while ash complained about lazy Japanese. Y/n chuckled. "so how long have you known red?"

He asked trying to ease the awkward atmosphere. Y/n squinted at him and he scoffed "don't give me that look I was just asking a question calm down"

She didn't see Anything wrong with giving him surface level details so she decided to answer him feeling g a wave of nostalgia wash over her.

"I've known her since I was twelve... When I used to run off when I got to New York. She was homeless kinda. She had an old lady who would let her sleep in her house in exchange for help with housework. And then another person who would give her food in exchange for chores that needed done in their shop. Val and Serena I believe there names were. Lovely people." She said looking at him and he gave her a knowing look.

"so you met how?" He asked while.eiji shifted on his shoulder when the truck went over a bump in the road jostling them around and making the truck produce a shuttering sound.

"in an alleyway. I had a guy tailing me she had helped me knock him out and well we became friends. She was such a  bad influence we would get Into all sorts of trouble" y/n said with a ghost of a smile.

Ash nodded then told her how he and shorter met. Y/n fake gaging when she heard about his angel phase (😔✋)
The truck came to a stop and they all got out switching places putting eiji and shorter in the front and red in the back ready to jump out if needed  and of course ash and y/n on the top of the truck.

Y/n would be lying if she didn't say that she was a little worried about falling off of it. Her feelings must have shown on her face because ash gave her a mocking grin

"oh? Is someone afraid?" he taunted making her point her gun at him "shut the hell up" he scoffed as she lowered the gun and the truck began to move.

They could make out th black suits of dino's bodyguards as they closed in on there target. Gun shots started scaring pedestrians who  screamed as they were unaware of what was going on all they knew is that there life might be in danger

. Dino yelled profanities at them as they shit down guards but not fast enough as dino made it to safety but not before their tires were shot making them deflate.

The truck spun around making y/n fall off the truck hitting her head on the black asphalt Street that was warm from the suns constant rays on its surface.

Her head was fuzzy and everything was the tilting when it wasnt supposed to. She smelled the faint scent of metallic iron filled her nose. Shit she thought feeling someone pick her up.

Startled she thrashed around in their grip making her head throb along with her side that she didn't even notice until now.

"damit calm down Im with ash!" A gruff voice said they suggested she hold her breath before plunging her into freezing cold water.

Her head was clearing slowly as she struggled to stay above the water. Why was the world against her. "I....can't... Swi-im" she sputtered as water got into her mouth.

She heard a "HA?!" from what was most likely shorter and a groan of annoyance from ash "of course you can't!"

He helped her to the shore and she layed on the floor as red came over and checked her head that apparently she scraped when she fell off the truck "its not serious just needs a quick clean but shorter needs stitches and eiji needs an ice pack"

Y/n looked as ash argued with two older men one looking like he was somehow related to eiji and the other looked fresh out if jail....
He knocked ash out and she watched with a bored expression "I wanted to do it..."

Yay I updated! I will go more into y/n and red's relationship later my dear readers💛

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