Twenty-Two| old friends

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Y/n sighed pacing the room as she waited for ash to be let into the computer completely, "are you in yet?" She questioned making ash groan "how many times are you going to ask that question" 

Y/n rolled her eyes "until we're in" ash scoffed clicking a button and giving her a lazy grin "well I'm in" y/n hurried over her eyes consuming the information on the page. "So it's a LSD" she murmured 

Ash nodded as he scrolled through files "i guess so, that still doesn't explain why gozline wants something like this" y/n nodded "there has to be more to it than it making people a vegetable- I um mean unresponsive" she amended when she saw ash's expression turn defensive 

Ash leaned back in his chair, "it's probably some sick game his playing" y/n nodded settling into the barstool next to the blonde. "What time is it?" She asked squinting at the time on the computer. 

Ash glanced at his phone "about three in the morning" y/n shrugged "guess I'll be leaving in the morning" she said to herself stretching out her legs. 

Ash's brows furrowed as he turned to look at her "why are you leaving" his concerned look morphed into a taunting one "don't tell me you got scared" he teased as y/n scowled at him "going to go run off to your boyfriend" he added y/n deadpanned unamused 

"You act like a child ash lynx" she snarkily replied up turning her nose, ash shrugged bringing his  arms behind his head as he propped his feet up on the desk. "And if you must know, im going to go visit someone, they have been my eyes and ears for a while now and I think it will be beneficial" 

Ash nodded, "you should go with shorter" he replied y/n nodded "we might as well" she laid on the couch staring up at the popcorn ceiling, "wake me up if you hear any news seeing as though you aren't planning on going to bed any time soon" she sarcastically asked making ash chuckle. 

"I will, wouldn't you rather sleep in a guest room?" He asked as y/n shook her head distastefully "no thanks I'll stay here" rolled his eyes at her stubbornness but dropped it nonetheless. Ash stared at her sleeping from. 

Their dynamic seemed to have changed since cape cod, he drummed his fingers on the desk rhythmically. He only hoped that she wouldn't get into more trouble being further associated with him than she already is. 

He ran a tired hand over his face catching a glimpse of a shadow out of his peripheral, his hands automatically went to the gun at his waistband as he scowled. He quietly walked over to the doorway and pointed the gun in the direction of the unidentified person. 

Red jumped holding a hand over her heart, "ash why are you always threatening me jeez" she rasped before coughing and clearing her throat. Ash lowered his gun his eyes still trained on her skeptically. 

"Maybe because you're up to something" he shot back making red shift her weight. "I'm not up to anything I came out of bed to check on y/n and get a drink of water" she defended 

Ash clicked his tongue in annoyance slipping his gun back into his pants. "If I find out your actually up to something I won't hesitate to end you" he threatened his eyes darkening as red's lips quirked upwards "sure thing~" she lazily waved down the dark hallway 

Red let out a breath when she was out of hearing range, and leaned back onto the wall. She grimaced her hand hovering over her phone in her pocket. She took it out pressing an obscured contact before bringing it to her ear. 

"We're ready" 


Y/n and shorter walked side by side hoods blocking their face from most people's view's "I'm going to meet up with my cousin" shorter explained his head down and voice low in case anyone decides to listen in on their conversation 

Y/n glanced around before giving him a curt nod her lips in a thin line "I have someone I have to talk to, let's meet up at five back here" she suggested pointing up at the barbershop sign above them

Shorter smiled staring down at her with his sunglasses covered eyes, "will do" y/n nodded going off in a separate direction. She turned down a familiar street a small smile gracing her lips, she really missed them. 

She looked behind her searching for any signs of someone following her before knocking on the door. It was answered by a short boy with a scowl on his face "who are you?" He asked loudly pointing his blade at her throat 

She rolled her eyes taking her finger and moving it out of her way, "don't remember me such a shame squirt" sing's eyes widened "y/n?" He asked as she smiled softly "the one and only one let me in I'm kind of in a hurry kid" 

Sing opened the door letting her in before closing it and locking it shut, she stared around the home distastefully. "Two boys living alone is a recipe for disaster" she said looking around the disaster of an apartment 

Sing blushed "well we weren't expecting company" he defended throwing away take out containers that occupied the counters. Y/n sat on the couch "where's Lao?" She asked, sing shrugged "he's probably visiting the gang" 

Y/n nodded ruffling the short Chinese boy as he sat besides her "you've grown" she smiled remembering when she first met Lao and sing. It had been a while after Quill's death, when she decided she had enough of the mansion. 

Lao helped her with letting her stay in his apartment when he saw her wondering the streets. Her time in the ling household was fun even if it was for a short period of time. She sighed wondering if she would have ended up better if she had joined the Chinese gang like he offered before.

Sing placed a glass of water in front of her "what brings you here?" He questioned and she raised an eyebrow "aren't you a little young for gang affairs?" Sing stopped his foot "hey I'm the leader" y/n smirked placing her hand sup in mock surrender 

"I'm sorry mr. gang leader I didn't mean to offend you" sing sighed "your impossible" y/n nodded "so I've been told" 

The door was unlocked and opened and in walked lao with a bag full of takeout "I brought dinner, Nadia packed it- y/n?!" He stared at the h/c haired girl at him who wiggled her fingers "the one and only, you guys act like I died" 

Lao and sing deadpanned "well we haven't seen you in five years..." they trailed off in unison scratching the back of their necks. Y/n have an unapologetic shrug "it was too dangerous, but Lao I need to talk to you" her carefree mood suddenly turning sour

He nodded settling the food onto the table "eat up sing me and y/n will be back in a minute" sing stood up his fists clenched "hey I have the right to know!" He argued y/n held a hand up "sing go eat" 

He deflated muttering profanities under his breath, "let's go Lao" they walked to the back of the apartment in what y/n guessed to be Lao's room. It was minimalistic but a picture of her and sing and lao stood out amongst his mess of a dresser. 

"What is it you have to talk about y/n?" Lao asked shoving his hands awkwardly into his pockets, her attention returned to him and she let out a sigh "if shit hits the fan I wanted to know if the Chinese would back up ash lynx" 

Lao furrowed his brows "the blonde kid? Shorter's friend?"  Y/n nodded crossing her arms over her body "we are going to war against a mafia, shorter has agreed to be a part of it and so am I. But I needed to make sure the Chinese mafia was in good hands" she smiled at him slightly 

"I expected it to go to you, im a little surprised it went to sing. But I can see how much he's grown he's more mature than you" she teased "hey!" He started to protest "see far too hot headed and reckless" she added

Lao sighed glancing down at his shoes "the Chinese will always support shorter's decisions and you know me and sing are behind you...but was that the only reason you contacted us?" Y/n felt a twinge of guilt

She had her reasons to leave, but they didn't fully understand that. She sighed placing her hand on Lao's shoulder "I did miss you guys, I left so you wouldn't get involved " Lao nodded expecting the answer before giving her a cheeky smile 

"Just say you missed me terribly and thought about me all the time" y/n scoffed "as if" she left the room returning to sing who bombarded her with questions. 

Turns out he was the one who thought about her all the time. 

Finally an update! In this story Lao is 19 since I'm not sure about his age

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