Twenty-Seven| Foxx

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open as they darted around the room taking in her new sterile surroundings, she was no longer in the creaky building and she wasn't in Blanca's arms either, she sighed a realizing that she had no account of how she had gotten into this room in the first place meaning she passed out

She noticed that the room was practically bare stark white walls no windows only a bed and an Iv drip occupying the vacant room. She looked down at the silver needle sticking from her vain and pulled it out ignoring the bubble of blood that began to form

She placed a hand on her throbbing head but the motion caused her abdomen to light up in a sharp pain that returned to a throb that she ignored throwing it to the back of her mind. She polished herself up in the bed propping herself up on her elbows 

She winced slightly at the effort cursing under her breath, as the sheet fell from her body she noticed she was in different clothes than what she started with. She pulled up the light pink silk shirt to reveal blood speckled bandages. 

She threw her feet to the side setting them on the hard wood flooring she ambled  around the room, nausea rolled into her stomach as she slowly recognized her surroundings 

She she quickly made her way to the door jiggling the locked golden knob she already knew it wasn't going to be open but the last shred of hope escaped her and she shook it more vigorously before slamming her fist on the door causing it to shake from the impact "let me out!" She yelled at the door her brows furrowing angrily 

A deep chuckled resounded from the other side of the door "no can do sweetheart" he told her smugness filling his tone, causing y/n to get angrier "asshole" she yelled at him ignoring his small laughs. As more memories of what happened before her injury filtered into her mind she banged on the door more desperately 

She needed to know that ash, eiji, red and the others were okay and safe, with the ghosts around anything could happen. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her attempts to escape became more severe, she tried ramming her body into the door but it was one hell of a sturdy door. She hurled insults at whoever would hear her as she tried breaking pieces off her bed frame 

The door suddenly opened as y/n went to swing at it and she tumbled to the floor in an undignified pile while clutching her abdomen. She quickly got to her knees before she was kicked down again. She stared at Dino and his bodyguards flanking him. 

She spit in his direction causing his steely grey eyes to harden, "you've caused quite some trouble" he tisked sourly as y/n released a dry humorless laugh "Iike I give a shit" he smiled but the feeling wasn't warm at all instead y/n felt her nerves start up they buzzed in her body as she waited for the outcome 

She was hauled to her feet as Dino's eyes followed her  farther down the seemingly endless hall, she struggled in their grasp earning sharp elbows in return. She was thrown into a room as the door shut. She got to her feet glaring at the door when she felt a presence behind her

The hairs on her neck stood up as she turned, "I thought he was bluffing when he said he had my type" y/n's face crinkled in disgust at the random old man's meaning she scanned his face noting that he was a supplier of Dino's. "Burn in hell" she told him glaring daggers in his direction. He licked his lips "this should be fun


Ash glared as he weaved the car through traffic, so many things happened in the past twenty four hours and he was still contemplating it all, most importantly Dino's men had set them up tried to take them down failed now they are on their way to the mansion to get eiji and shorter back and y/n if she even ended up there 

His fingers gripped the steering wheel  tightly his knuckles turned a pale white as the gears turned in his head he swerved to the side avoiding car which he almost hit the back of. Max and I'be looked at him worriedly "calm down ash I'm sure they will be fine, they have each other they will work it out shorter and y/n are very capable" max tried to reassure waving his hands around for emphasis 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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