Chapter 42: What to Do?

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Severus's POV

The next few hours Y/n hadn't said a word. She wasn't asleep but she wasn't fully there either. Her eyes were open but no one could get her to speak or even look at them. Minerva and I had taken care of folding Y/n's laundry and Remus had been trying to talk to Y/n, while Albus was deep in thought, saying nothing. It always made me nervous when the old man stopped speaking because that usually meant he was working on a plan of some kind in that devious little mind of his, though this time he seemed to just be deep in thought. He would constantly look up at Y/n before his eyes filled with sadness and he would look down again, never saying a word. It was late into the night when Lupin stood up.

"It's been hours... If this keeps going on, do you think we should take her to a hospital? I'm worried... if she's not eating, drinking, or even moving..."

"She might waste away," Albus finished.

"Nice, Albus. Really compassionate," I hissed.

"Remus is right, Severus. There isn't much we can do for her here."

"If we take her to a hospital they will just commit her! They won't help her! And once the ministry finds out why she is like this... once they find out Black contacted her, they'll throw her in Azkaban! They already think she is working with him! Let's not give them any more of a reason to suspect her. Just... if it gets too bad, we'll call Poppy."

"Can you think of anyone else that might be able to help her? Anyone that might be able to get her to become responsive?" Albus asked. I looked down, knowing there was someone but that they wouldn't like it.

"Severus?" Lupin asked.

"You won't like it," I answered, looking back and forth between Albus, Minerva, and Lupin.

"At this point, it doesn't matter. Who is it, Severus?" Albus asked.

"Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy," I answered. Silence filled the room, though no one argued. In fact, everyone seemed to agree, though Albus was the first to speak.

"Get them here... as quickly as possible, Severus."

I quickly apparated to Malfoy Manor, hoping they would be able to get Y/n to talk.

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