Chapter 18: Grounded

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"Oh, really?"

"Oh, shit! Minerva!" Severus exclaimed, his eyes growing wide.

"Watch your mouth, mister! Y/n's right. I will ground you!"

"Minerva! I am a grown man! You can't ground me!"

Minerva raised her eyebrows and Severus fell silent.

"Right... sorry," he said, looking down. I couldn't help but laugh at how easily Minerva was able to quiet Severus.

"What are you laughing at, you little minx?" Severus asked as he turned to me, raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing, just you getting grounded by Mama Minnie."
Severus leaned in close to my ear, brushing his lips against it before whispering. "Oh, you're in so much trouble tonight, little one. You're so fucked."

I decided to mess with him using Legilimency, turning to him and tapping my temples twice. I let my Occlumency walls down before communicating with him.

Oh, yeah? I do believe Minerva just told you to watch your language, Mr. Snape. Hmm... I might have to punish you for that.

His eyes widened and he let out a small moan before clearing his throat, trying to cover the fact that he just moaned. I allowed an image to slip into my brain, knowing Severus would catch it. I watched his face turn red as I allowed an image of me riding him to play in my mind before quickly putting up my walls.

"We do need to talk to the two of you, though," I said, walking away from Severus.

Severus cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to clear it of the thoughts I just gave him. He walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on top of my head.

"Of course. What's up, lovebirds?" Albus asked.

"So... we were hoping we could keep this between us for now... so if you wouldn't mind not telling anyone for now, that would be great."

"Why?" Albus whined. "I want to tell the world! My ship is sailing!"

"Look, it's just for now," I chuckled. "Our relationship is still so new and we don't really want to jeopardize it."

"I understand, dear," Minerva replied as Albus nodded, reluctantly.

"If you'll excuse us, Y/n and I have some... last minute packing to do."

"Riiighhhtt... some packing to do," Albus smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up, Albus," I hollered as we were walking away.

When we reached the door to Severus's chambers, he swung the door open before pulling me inside, closing the door and slamming me against it, his hand behind my head to protect me from getting hurt. He moved his hand, placing both hands on the wall on each side of my head.

"Hmm... So you really thought you would get away with teasing me like that in front of Albus and Minerva?" He chuckled darkly, pressing his hips against mine and I could feel how much I had worked him up.

"Aww, baby, did you get hard while we were standing there? I heard you trying to conceal your moans... but now we're in your room and you can be as loud as you want." I moved my hand to his growing erection, palming him. He groaned before grabbing my hands and moving them over my head. He brought his lips to my neck, gently sucking on the skin, trying to regain control of the situation.

"You're going to get fucked tonight, baby," he whispered in my ear.

"I don't think so, Severus," I replied, pulling my wrists from his grasp and pushing him backwards toward his bedroom.

"Get on the bed, Severus."

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