Chapter 23: Petrified

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The next few days passed smoothly despite Molly Weasley sending Ron a howler. She had always been kind to me, though hearing her voice in the howler made me realize how strict she could be with her kids at times. Lockhart had been trying to pull me aside to introduce himself, but, fortunately, I was always pulled away. Whether it be that a student got in a fight, or Minerva or Severus needed me for something, I was always able to slip away without having to have an actual conversation with him but I knew my days of being able to avoid him were numbered.

I was sitting in Hagrid's hut when Ron, Harry, and Hermione came bursting in, their breathing heavy and their faces flushed. Ron looked as if he was going to puke and it wasn't long before he did. A slimy slug came streaming out of his mouth. Hagrid and I jumped up, sitting Ron down as Hagrid grabbed a bucket for Ron to puke in.

"Who was he tryin' ter curse?" Hagrid asked.

"Malfoy called Hermione something... it must've been really bad because everyone went wild."

"It was bad," Ron said, looking sick. "Malfoy called her a Mudblood, Professors."

"What!?" I asked, shocked.

"He didn'!" Hagrid growled.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked.

"It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who is muggleborn. Someone with non magical parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation," Hermione said, looking down.

As Hagrid comforted Hermione I could feel my own anger rising. Lucius's son had called her a Mudblood. One of my best friends was teaching his son the very ideals that had torn my friends apart, the very ideals that had caused a war, killing so many people I cared about. I remembered the looks on my friend's faces as Severus had uttered that exact word. That moment had changed everything between us and Severus and Lily never spoke again. That was the turning point when Severus changed forever. I felt a few tears slip down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away but not before Hagrid and Harry had seen them.

"Y/n...? Are ye alright?" Hagrid asked gently.

"Huh? Oh, yeah... I'm fine, Hagrid."

"Y/n... you were crying. I-is everything alright. Did something happen?" Harry asked.

I quickly stood up, taking my cup to the sink and setting it down. "I'm afraid I must leave. It was lovely seeing all of you. Hagrid, thank you for having me over. That was very kind of you. Hermione... I'm truly sorry for what Draco said... He's... he's been raised in a household that seems to value blood status above all. I thought things were different once To-..." I cleared my throat before continuing. "Once you-know-who had been defeated... but it appears some people never change. You are the brightest witch of your age, love, and don't let anyone tell you any different."

I could see a few tears slipping down her cheeks as she smiled at me and I left without another word.


I was walking through the corridor with Severus after the Halloween feast when I heard a strange whispering sound through the corridor.

"Rip... tear... kill..."  the voice hissed, sending chills down my spine.

"Severus... did you hear that?"

"Hear what, love?"

"Oh... uh, nothing. Forget I mentioned it."

Severus looked at me curiously. He could sense the shift in my demeanor, taking note of the change in my voice and the slight shake in my hands. Something about the voice had sent a shiver through my bones and I couldn't explain why. Severus wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me close to his side as he rubbed soft circles into my waist.

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