Ticking Time Bomb

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Chapter 40: Ticking Time Bomb

I was out with Hunter again today, we were walking down by the river.

Well, Dylan was also with us but he got lost somehow, behind us.

I don't know why but today this place seemed so beautiful even though I've been here may times before and it never quite looked like this.

"Do you always wear it?" Hunter asked, his eyes fixated on my ring. The one he gave me.

The one he gave me on my birthday.

The one that read Always and Forever.

"Pretty much." I told him quietly as I examined it for a moment.

I took it off, all of a sudden feeling the need to just look at it closely.

"It's beautiful." I sighed as we walked down by the river side, hands intertwined.

"It is" Hunter said looking right at me, "let me see." He took the ring off my hand and examined it himself.

"Yeah it's not as beautiful as you." He nodded as though he was confirming it.

I slightly laughed and we stopped. He turned to me and held my hand and slowly began to put the ring on my finger.

"Anastasia!" A sudden voice belonging to Dylan, as in my idiot of an older brother, rang out of nowhere.

I was too enchanted by the moment that his calling gave me a fright and I lost balance...

Sending the ring flying into the river.

I gasped as I bent down to see where it fell but before I knew it Hunter had taken off his white shirt and shoes and had jumped into the water.

I shouted his name but he ignored me and proceeded to look for the ring in the water.

"Anastasia!" Dylan appears and looks relieved immediately.

"I thought you fell in!" He exclaimed looking worried.

Hunter by this time had come out of the water, standing there dripping wet, shirtless and out of breath.

I'm guessing he didn't find it.

At least he tried. That's more than I could ask for.

"Cover up, Justin Bieber!" Dylan throws his shirt at him and pulls me away.

"Who?" Hunter asks looking seriously confused as he pulls the shirt on.

"Really?" Dylan asks dumbfounded, "and I'm like baby, baby, baby, nooo!" Dylan attempted to imitate Justin Bieber and failed miserably.

Dylan was not a fan of Justin Bieber but I could see him looking extremely surprised.

Hunter looks even more confused and out of breath now.

"Come on! The pretty dude that has all these seven year olds excited..." Dylan tries explaining.

Hunters eyes widen as he mouths to him self "seven year olds", looking even more adorable and confused!

Yeah, Hunter basically doesn't know any celebrity. I think the only ones he knows is like the classic actors or actresses. He says he doesn't have time for things like that and doesn't try to keep up to date with who's who.

"Sounds like a pedophile." Hunter stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"I told you he lives under a rock." Dylan muttered to me as we all made our way to the car.


After 15 minutes we reached my house but before Hunter parked the car his phone rang.

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