when he's neglectful of his crush [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Hello! Can i request an Atsumu/reader where they are best friend (and she is in love with him) but she is younger by one year and when school end for Atsumu he never really make time for her just to regret it? Your choice what happens after that

featuring: atsumu (x fem!reader)

missed this one last week too :// another reason why i'm going to post an important update tomorrow, stay tuned for that! this one is a little angsty with some good ole' unrequited love but overall, i think it's sweet. maybe more bittersweet idk. enjoy :)

"we'll always be best friends."

that was what he told you on the last day of school. that was also the last time you heard from him in person.

it's crazy how you can go from talking to each other every day to next to zero contact at all. you used to text each other all the time if you didn't see the other but you almost always saw him at school or made time to see him afterward.

now it's like you have been completely forgotten. you tried to keep it up by texting him like you used to but he either wouldn't see it for a while and take time to respond or worse, he'd read it and not respond at all. it wasn't like him to just not respond, he hated having notifications on his phone. and it seemed like he always made you a priority to reply back but now you're not so sure that was the right assumption to make.

that's not even the worst part. you were growing apart and you never took the chance to tell him how you feel.

you had been planning to do it before school ended for the year, his last year, but then he said that you'd always be best friends. that was like a knife right in your chest and any confidence that you had built up to confess was long gone.

it was the middle of the break, the new school year looming around the corner and you hadn't heard much from him. if you did, it was a very short-lived conversation that you started and he ended by leaving you on read. you couldn't really complain about it because you weren't dating or anything. maybe 'complain' isn't the right word but you felt like you didn't have much justification for bringing it up.

you knew he was aiming to make a career out of volleyball. you didn't want to bother him and you hated feeling like you were bothering him. you chose to swallow the hard pill and give up.

a year later, he had the pleasure of seeing you again. you were wearing your dress that was most likely planned months in advance for the occasion. today is your graduation day and you look so beautiful.

he locks eyes with you, yours full of confusion and some shock.

"hey," he greets, chuckling at your reaction.

"hey, atsumu," you reply hesitantly. "didn't you already graduate?"

"no, they decided to keep me another year," he replies. "it was all a ruse."

you crack a smile. "okay. sounds about right."

"nah, i'm kidding. it's kind of a team thing we do, coming to see the younger ones graduate," he explains.

you nod in understanding, your smile unable to cease.

he hasn't changed at all and neither have you. yet, there was still some awkward tension between you.

"so what have you been up to all this time? are you a big volleyball star yet?" you asked.

he laughs, somewhat sadly. "eh i'm getting there, i think. had a big injury earlier in the year so i've been itching to fully get back on the court but it's been a process."

"oh, that's a bummer," you console. "but i'm sure you're taking the recovery really seriously, right?"

"haha, ummm," he begin to reply but hesitates. "you know me, i never listen. but yeah, been trying pretty hard to not overdo it."

"that's good. i know it's probably really hard for you," you tease. "you were never one to sit still."

he looks down as he smiles and nods. "yeah, yeah. it's still like that now."

you share a laugh for a moment and then it's silent again as you look at one another as if you both know what you need to say but don't know who should say it first.

"i miss you--"

"atsumu, i need to--"

you speak at the same time, words colliding together.

he clears his throat.

"what was that?" you ask.

"no, sorry. did you want to say something?" he returns.

"yes but you can go first."

"no, it's okay. you first, i feel like i've been talking a lot."

"okay, ummm," you stutter. "did you just...say 'i miss you?'"

"oh no," he chuckles. "so you did hear that."

"mmhmm," you hum in agreement, amused by his reaction.

"yeah, uh, i just feel like i haven't seen you in forever and some of that is my fault," he admits.

"no, i mean, it wasn't completely you," you counter. "i stopped reaching out as well."

"but did i make you stop reaching out?" he asks.

"ummm, maybe. i don't know, i didn't want to feel like i was bothering you but there were other factors that played into it," you answer.

"i see," he responds. "but yes, i do miss you."


he nods coyly. "yes."

"well, what do you miss about me, hmm?" you were using his own moves against him.

"you're just calm and easygoing, fun to be around. i miss having that energy in my life," he explains.

"oh, osamu hasn't been keeping it up for me?" you joke.

"not at all. dude is just, like, constantly cooking and wants nothing to do with me. i do get free food a lot though," he replies.

"sounds ideal," you replied with a chuckle.

"yes, it is," he agrees. "i was thinking maybe...we could get him to let both of us try something of his sometime?"

you blinked, unable to speak for a moment. "uh, umm," you stuttered.

"unless that's weird," he added.

"no! it's definitely not," you reassured. "i think that would be fun."

"great, me too," he agrees. "here, do you still have the same number?"

"yep, same as always," you laughed.

"do you still play imessage games?" he asks as he pulls out his phone and taps on it.

"uh, it's been a while," you admit.

"okay, well," he says as the sound that signifies a sent message pings. "let's get you on some eight ball action."

you feel your phone vibrate, making you smile. "okay, i'll try my best."

"you better, i'm gonna smoke you," he teases.

"probably," you agree. "but we'll see."

another silence again but this time, it's a little more comfortable.

"you look really great, by the way," he compliments.

you can't help but look down as you smile. "thank you. so do you."

you had a good feeling about this. the knife in your heart had been removed with an arrow, excited pangs rippling all throughout your body.

you would always be together.

originally posted 9 Dec 2021 

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