little qualities they love about their s/o

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featuring: pretty setters (aka kenma, akaashi, sugawara, and kageyama)

kenma loves that you're so easygoing. it's not unusual to deduce that he's never been the best with people. some ask for a lot when it comes to conversing, so it's nice that he doesn't always have to talk when he's around you. it's not that he doesn't like talking to you. he actually finds you extremely interesting, which is not common for him amongst others. there's just something about you that always makes him feel at ease. the mutual feeling of it all is what makes it work. you can sit comfortably with him in silence and still feel totally fulfilled by just the mere presence of him. but when you are sharing moments just enjoying each other, it's just as special, if not more. one of his favorite things is laying his head down in your lap, especially after he's all tired out from volleyball practice. once he finally showers, he claims his spot on your lap as you're playing on your switch, silently telling you he wants your attention. he likes to ask you about your day, his eyes closing at the soothing feeling of you playing with his hair, listening to your voice like it's his favorite song. it's cliché for sure, but he could lay there and just forget the world.

akaashi loves how emotionally intelligent and perceptive you are. not only are you aware of your own thoughts and feelings, but others' as well. it makes you especially empathetic and understanding, a person who could fill his whole world with love and care and without judgment. it seems like you can just feel when there's something off about someone and their feelings, especially if you're close to them. if something's wrong or bothering him, he doesn't even have to tell you; you just know. it allowed him to feel comfortable to be vulnerable with you, like when he first told you how his immense feelings of love for you were growing by the minute and that scared him a bit. he didn't know how you would feel about it but he figured he had to come out and say it because otherwise, you would've known something about it. it was a complicated feeling to process and for a minute he thought he couldn't enjoy something so wonderful, only for it to end in a couple of months. but he realized he'd rather have you and your intuition than go through his life never knowing how he felt about anything. your kisses and lingering touches aren't bad, either.

sugawara finds your sensitivity really endearing, for some reason. you tend to cry often, and while he doesn't like to see your wilted figure with tears streaming down your face, he still thinks you're really cute. you see it as a weakness because you can become emotional so easily. some people will often associate vulnerability with being annoying but he always reminds you that showing those emotions is what makes you unafraid to be human. sometimes the things you cry about really show how much you care about them. one time you accidentally hit a squirrel while you were driving home and tried to hold back your tears. your efforts proved to be fruitless, letting it all out as soon as you were through the door and he was welcoming you back home. sometimes you just cry for no reason and while maybe you don't know why or he doesn't know why. that just means he gets to hold you and tell silly jokes until you feel better again. obviously he prefers you with a smile, but your sensitive side has never been a problem for him.

kageyama really admires and appreciates how honest and forthright you are. you don't want to let anyone down but you know how to tell them if something is too much or if you don't want to do something. or the opposite and tell them they're doing great or something helpful to you. it's very grounding and reassuring for him, as he's never really had someone who's opened up to him before. it makes him want to reciprocate that right back to you to show you that he's more than just a rough exterior. he likes to let you take care of things yourself, at least at first. he doesn't mind protecting you but watching you reject people who decide to hit on you right in front of him never gets old. anything that may come after that initial rejection, such as someone greatly crossing lines and trying to put physical moves on you, that's when he steps in. generally though, it doesn't come to that point because you stand with your convictions when a more stern approach is needed. he likes you best when you're your sweet and honest self, hugging and telling him that he's more than enough to have your heart.

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