haikyuu boys + how they'd be as boyfriends (realistic)

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❥dependable, responsible, super supportive, and trustworthy boyfriends. your safety and well-being is their number one priority. they worry too much sometimes. while they exude a certain presence of confidence, they were very nervous and flustered in the beginning stages of your relationship: daichi, kita, yamaguchi, wakatoshi

❥amazing, wonderful, caring, loving but also dorky and weird boyfriends. they have interests outside of volleyball that make their personalities stand out. easy to talk to and you never have a one-sided conversation with them. can be stingy about certain things but would do anything and everything for you because they love you so much: kuroo, akaashi, osamu

❥similar to the above except they're more chaotic boyfriends. they can have quite a lot of energy and they don't always know what to do with it. sometimes overly confident and think they're the best out there but they're glad they have you to humble them. unafraid to be their cute and quirky true selves: oikawa, tendo, sugawara, yaku

❥a lot of fun to be around but dramatic, whiny, clingy, and become jealous over you easily boyfriends. you have to do a lot for them because they're also quite clueless but they never take it for granted and love you so much. endless kisses and cuddles from them: bokuto, nishinoya, atsumu

❥they have a hard exterior but blush really easily boyfriends. very practical and can take care of themselves but they also don't mind taking care of you. they riled up when you make them feel all soft inside but they're amazed that you're dating them. literally worship the ground you walk on: iwaizumi, goshiki, semi

❥similar to the above in that they have rather aloof presence boyfriends. they don't always pull their weight in the relationship due to some other priority and/or laziness. they love quietly and privately, showing you that your company is very much appreciated behind closed doors. will always be on your side: kenma, kageyama, suna

originally posted 24 Jun 2021

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