s/o who has tics [request]

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Anonymous asked:

Hiii! I love you're writing!

I was wondering if I could ask about an s/o who as some tic like hitting/biting herself and random head movements and she's insecure about it and can't stop apologizing when it happens

featuring: sugawara and yamaguchi

there weren't any character(s) specified in the request, so i chose some haikyuu boys! if you do have someone in mind though, lemme know and i can write it. enjoy!


usually you had good control of your tic, which involved you biting your hand or arm

but you found that it got more frequent when you started dating suga

he was very sweet and understanding which turned you into an overwhelming bundle of excitement and nerves

these intense feelings would trigger your tic more often

but he never resented being with you for it

he appreciated that you were honest with him about your biting tic

so then he could be there for you when you couldn't control it as much

that didn't stop you from apologizing profusely when your tic emerges, especially when the two of you were in public

you actually started sobbing one particular time, very early on in the relationship

and while you tried to hide it, he noticed your distress

he took you somewhere quieter so he could comfort you by hugging you tightly and wiping your tears

"here, wrap your arms around me, sugar. it's okay."

he rubs your back comfortingly :')

"you don't have to apologize. please don't think it's your fault. i still like you just as much."

he'll ask if he can see your hand but doesn't force you

you let him see the undeniable bite marks on the side of your hand

he presses a light kiss to it and then holds it in his, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of it until you calm down

it gets easier over time as you get more comfortable with him

he develops a sense for when it's about to happen and will try to keep your hands close to him

but if it doesn't seem too severe, he'll let it happen because it is a part of you that he doesn't want to force change onto

and by now you know that he doesn't care that it happens :)

you become so comfortable with him that you find yourself having to learn more control when you're without but it's not something so scary as you've done it without him before

but you don't know what you'd do without someone as supportive and loving as him


you had a tendency to shrug your shoulders excessively when stressed or anxious

which could turn into twitching your head if it was really bad

and sweet tadashi never minded your tic

he felt like it showed how human you really are and how you feel so deeply that it can be overwhelming sometimes

but you've never let it stop you from moving through life

he also thinks you're still just as cute and lovely as when you first met

you were kinda shy and slow to warm up with him

and he's quite introverted as well but he's never been more forward with anyone but you

you grew comfortable together quite fast

including getting acclimated to him seeing your tic when it happened

but that didn't mean other people weren't used to seeing it

yams could be quite protective when it came to others' reaction to your tic

you felt like you had to apologize to people who would politely yet insensitively ask you to stop twitching your head

some could be pretty rude about it and having been bullied himself when he was younger, he couldn't sit by and watch you get criticized for something you couldn't always control

most of the time he'd just shield you away and shoot daggers at them with his eyes

(yes, even this cutie can look quite hostile)

but sometimes, if he felt like he needed to, he'd verbally stand up for you

"no need to be so insensitive! they try really hard to control it but it only makes it worse if you draw attention to it like that."

either way, his attention always turns back to you and making sure you're okay

"i know you can't help it, but you don't need to apologize to anyone. if anything, it says more about them than you so please, don't worry."

you nod in agreement, wanting to work on standing up for yourself

"i just wanna make sure you're okay, peaches. that's all i want."

actual best boy and angel of a human 

originally posted 18 Feb 2021

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