types of hugs [pt.2] [request]

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anonymous asked:

wait, could you maybe do how Daichi hugs too?? any other you like as well but just Daichi 🥺🥺🥺🥺

featuring: daichi, bokuto, and kita

daichi really cherishes a good greeting hug from you. he likes to make sure his hands come into contact with your shoulders. he'll pull you by the shoulders, cross his arms behind your back to scratch lightly at the blades, and then keep his hands over the ball of your shoulders or upper arms after you've pulled away. he's also the type who will keep an arm slung around your shoulders to keep you close to his side as you're walking somewhere. he likes a little pda to let others know that you're his s/o but not too much to make it uncomfortable..until you have to part from each other for a bit. the goodbyes are his least favorite so he tries to get a long hug in before you leave. however, he recovers after having the thought of another hug to look forward to.

bokuto wants a hug for every occasion but he's very fond of the celebratory hug or a little giddy hug whenever the team wins. he also has a bit of superstition to hug you before a game because he feels like he plays a lot better. the one time that you had to be a little late and he didn't get to hug you was one of his worst games he's ever played so now he makes sure to get one hug in before you even leave the house in case he doesn't see you. even if they still don't win, he likes to get a comforting hug and long cuddle session from you as he sulks. but if they do win, like usual, he likes to get all your affections and receive a kiss for every time he successfully spiked a ball. it's usually a manageable number so you don't mind giving him what he wants.

kita, like wakatoshi, is perfect for a comforting hug. he's great at comforting others in general but if you're his s/o, you get all the comfort cuddles from him. he also always know what to say in those moments so he can almost always cheer you up or just be there for you when you need the attention. he likes to have you in his lap with your arms wrapped around his under his arm while resting your head on his shoulder as he hugs you gently and rubs your back. if he thinks you need to rest and take a nap, he'll gladly help you get into bed and fall asleep. normally he'll lay behind you, propped up on one arm while he traces soothing lines up and down your arm until you're sound asleep. however, there are times when you're extra sleepy and needy so you'll curl up into his chest and he has no other choice but to fall asleep with you.

originally posted 20 May 2021 

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