haikyuu boys + actions that say i love you [pt.2]

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featuring: fukurodani, inarizaki, and shiratorizawa (aka akaashi, bokuto, kita, suna, atsumu, osamu, tendo, wakatoshi, goshiki, and semi)

akaashi -> writing them little sticky notes and placing them in random places: even though technology has advanced and he can text you whenever he wants, he likes the concept of leaving little pieces of himself for you to find later. he mostly likes to write quotes that he likes and reminds him of you, signed with a little heart and a simple 'k.' it's fun when you write little notes back or when he finds them in unexpected places like in his lunch or his work bag. he keeps them in his pocket for the rest of the day as if he's carrying you with him.

bokuto -> dreaming about them frequently: one of his favorite random pastimes with you is telling you about the vividly wild dreams that he has after he wakes up. a lot of them include you and the supposed crazy adventures that you go on like riding purple elephants or flying through a sky on a cloud. the way he tells them makes it even better and more entertaining with his expressive personality. he confirms that even though they're pretty strange, his dreams somehow always involve you. however, you probably don't want to know too much about his daydreams of you...

kita -> bringing them their favorite tea when they have a sore throat: he's very good about taking care of himself but he's an absolute saint when it comes to doing little things for you when you aren't feeling too well. he will get you anything you need, even if you haven't said it, or decline it and try to press on. he feels that the least he could do is prepare a hot drink for you because he believes that they make everything better. he would go out of his way to make sure that you're okay and healthy.

suna -> pulling the blanket over them as they shiver in their sleep: he has rather unusual ways of showing affection, especially when you're at home, such as poking you or lightly pinching you or nuzzling you as he whines for you to come to bed. there are very few times where you're in bed and asleep before him and he likes to take a few moments to watch you, making sure you're comfortable. he likes to brush a hand across your cheek and over your head, which can make you shiver. he pulls the blanket further up to cover you before settling in right beside you to keep you extra warm.

atsumu -> giving them ice cream when it's hot out: you find that he can act like a dog with how he loves to go out and be outside for a few hours in the day, even during hot summer days. he loves being out on warm days, day or night. during the day, he likes to get some sun on his skin and in his hair whereas nights are peaceful and set a romantic mood. his favorite thing about summer is definitely the ice cream and no matter what time of day it is, he'll buy some for both you and him to eat while sitting outside together. you like to try each other's flavors that you'll feed to each other which he feels is peak intimacy.

osamu -> going with them to the store to make sure they get everything on their list: whether you love or hate grocery shopping, he always makes sure to go with you. there are a few things that he can be particular about and food is definitely one of them. he doesn't want to offend you but you have a habit of forgetting to buy certain items or not getting the items he wanted specifically. you actually don't mind him taking the lead as you can basically sneak whatever you want into the cart. even if he questions you about it, he usually ends up buying anyway to keep you satisfied.

tendo -> saving the last piece of their favorite candy for them: over the years of making candy for a living, he's learned customer favorites as well as your own. when it just so happens that the two align, he can sell out of some very quickly so when he's able to, he'll set aside any extras for you or will make an extra one just for you. it makes him so happy to see your face light up when he brings home a bag of treats just for you as that's just how he feels about everything that you do for him.

wakatoshi -> painting/drawing them: he's drawn you several times and you've even attempted to draw him but could never match his level of artistic ability. even with being left-handed, he manages to get all the lines and shading just right. he likes to draw little doodles on sticky notes that he leaves in random places for you to find. for your anniversary you decide to make a framed mural of all those sticky notes that you collected to hang up and be regarded as an official piece of art in your home. from this, he will never stop loving your own creativity and thoughtfulness.

goshiki -> giving them little head pats: he's not the most affectionate person and rather maladjusted to the thought of physical touch. however, he does what he can when you take the lead. if you snuggle up beside him, he'll tense up for a moment but eventually wraps his arm around you, his hand coming up to pat your head a few times before rubbing over it. he lets a smile spread over his face as you nuzzle even closer to him, making him close his eyes as he listens to the sound of your soft breathing.

semi -> sending a song that reminds you of them: making playlists and sending you songs are his love language. once he learns more about your music taste, he loves to shares songs he discovers that he thinks you would like. more often than not, you've already heard that song or it's already in your on repeat playlist but you appreciate the thought either way. sometimes he'll send you songs that make him think of you, some of them very romantic and touching and others just downright random.

originally posted 14 Oct 2021 

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