comforting their s/o through a panic attack [request]

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foxsunarin asked:

Okay, so I have been feeling down and can I have drabbles of Osamu, Suna and Akaashi Comforting Y/n from a panic attack? it can be pre/post timeskip. I love your work and Head canons!!

featuring: osamu, suna, and akaashi

there's a special place in my heart for each one of these's always the quiet, mysterious ones. hope you feel better! thanks for reading <33


"honey, i'm home," he called out as he entered your shared apartment. "sorry i'm late. we had a ton of leftover food at the restaurant so looks like we have plenty of--"

he stops in his tracks as he sees you on the floor of the living room on your hands and knees, trying to catch your breath. you look up at him and all he can see are the tears streaming down your face, effectively breaking his heart in half.

"oh, cutie pie, what happened?" he asks as he puts down the bag of food and joins you on the floor. "here, come here."

he pulls you into his lap where you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your head into his shoulder as you continue to cry and breathe heavily. you try to speak but aren't able to form a full sentence.

"i, i-- there was--"

"shh, shh," he hushes, while running a hand down the back of your head. "you don't have to tell what happened right now. i'm so sorry i wasn't here for it."

he doesn't say much else and just lets you let it all out as he hugs you close and rubs your back, occasionally whispering sweet nothings into your ear and pressing kisses to the side of your head. you calm down more and more until you're no longer hysterically crying or shaking, only sniffling as you wipe the remainder of your tears.

"call me and let me know next time this happens, okay?" he requests as he feels you fully relax against him.

"i'm sorry, samu," you reply, your voice still a little shaky.

"no, no. you don't have to be sorry at all, pumpkin," he soothes, the tone of his voice slightly amused. he hugs you a little tighter against him. "i just want you to know that i'm always here for you."

"i just don't want to bother you with stuff like this," you explain, knowing how busy he can be with running his own restaurant.

"honey, you're never a bother to me," he disagrees, pulling you away slightly to look at your face. "look at me. this 'stuff' that you go through isn't a bother either, okay? it's unfortunate that you have to go through it but it's a part of you and i fell in love with that part of you just like i did with the many other parts of you."

your eyes fill up with tears again at the sound of his words.

"you're not a burden or a bother, okay? you're my little love muffin and i want to help you if you're struggling."

you nod in response. "thank you, samu. i love you."

"anytime, sweetie pie. i love you more. now, can i have one more hug?" he asks with his arms open for you to fall into once more.

"thanks, babe. so now i'm going to make you some honey and lavender tea. and forget about the leftovers because i'm making your favorite meal for dinner. you can even be my little sous chef to help take your mind off of things. would you like that?"

"yes, please," you smile."

"there's that pretty smile," he beams, poking your cheek, "alright, let's get cooking!"


he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, slightly grinning as he saw the name.

"hey, baby," he answered. "what's going on? thought you were going to be working all day."

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