doing their s/o's makeup

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featuring: third gym squad (aka kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi)


catches you trying to follow along with a makeup tutorial

would definitely be the one to say, "you don't need all that makeup, babe."

but insists on helping you anyway

"c'mon kitten, please? i've seen you do this, like, a million times."

you let him do it under conditions that if he does a good job, he gets something and vice versa if he doesn't

he starts with primer (even though you told him you had already put some on)

he puts on a little more, enjoying rubbing his hands over your face

"you have such nice skin. and i love squishing these cute cheeks."

he's very gentle when dabbing the foundation/concealer on your face with the sponge but also very careful to make sure it's all blended in

he skips right to eyeshadow after that, telling you to close your eyes

definitely takes any chance he can get to kiss you while your eyes are closed

"okay. okay. i'm sorry, beautiful. i'm actually going to do it now."

becomes very attentive to what the girl is doing in the video and then basically acts like he has his very own youtube channel, saying what he's doing out loud

"okay so now we take this fluffy brush, and i guess i'll blend this into your crease."

"it's crazy that people are do this for a living. i feel like i could do this."

he ends up skipping a lot of the steps because he feels "you don't need all of it"

you tell him that it's all a part of the process but he's like, "okay but i'm the one doing your makeup."

next time you're doing his makeup and it's going to be the whole nine

"no, you're not coming anywhere near me with makeup. except maybe for that one fruity lipgloss that you like...where is that, by the way? no, i just wanna smell it..and maybe taste it."

doesn't do your mascara because he doesn't want to accidentally stab your eye so he leaves that alone

moves down to your lips and of course he goes for a red lipstick

has you close your eyes and pucker your lips (so he can kiss them again)

you humor him but then tell him to just put the lipstick on

this is definitely his favorite part because the colors adds emphasis to your already beautiful lips; he can't look away

holds your chin as he carefully applies it

"okay now rub your lips together a bit. there we go."

cleans up any places where it got messy with his thumb

"okay baby, you can look now"

he's actually done a pretty decent job, despite skipping a lot of steps

"i did pretty good, right? right? i think you look great"

you eventually admit that he did good and ask him what he wants

"thank you, sweetheart. now let me mess up that lipstick.."


goes absolutely crazy with everything

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