when they want to fight [request]

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Anonymous asked:

I saw a post about this but I thought it would be funny w the haikyuu boys :) can you do headcanons about boys who "can fight" and will fight, "can fight" but get their ass beat, "I don't fight" but can, and "can't fight" seriously can't fight I hope this wasn't confusing lol!!

i actually really love this idea and it's perfect for our hq boys. so if you're wondering what it would be like if they were in tokyo revengers, here you go :)

can fight and will fight; literally the definition of protect and attack. don't mess with them because they don't play around. some of them may not look very intimidating but rest assured that whoever's bugging you or them will be very sorry. they try not to make 'always looking for a fight' their reputation but just know they got your back if necessary: goshiki, semi, nishinoya, iwaizumi, kageyama

can fight but get their ass beat; these are the ones who talk themselves up but actually suck at the execution and everyone knows this but them. you're usually the one who's holding them back from starting anything because you know it won't end well. if they do end up in a tussle, you appreciate their efforts to defend you and show that by helping them get cleaned up afterward: atsumu, oikawa, tendo, bokuto, sugawara

don't fight but can fight; they don't like to resort to violence but will step up if need be. now, this is pretty rare and if they ever get to this point, it means they're enraged. anyone within their proximity, including you, should stay away. actually, they prefer for you especially to keep your distance as they don't like you seeing them that way. after everything is said and done, they're back to their sweet and soft selves, with plenty of hugs and apologies for you: daichi, yamaguchi, yaku, osamu

can't fight but seriously can't fight; they can't physically fight and are far too delicate and/or don't believe in that type of defense. they're more about cutting someone up with words as their strengths lie inside their minds. they find that in some ways, words and causing embarrassment are far more effective than punches, especially with someone who wants to throw them. if this group and the first group were in a fight, these guys would probably destroy their confidence: kenma, suna, kita, kuroo, wakatoshi, akaashi

originally posted 25 Nov 2021

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