waking up their sleepy s/o

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featuring: kuroo, kenma, akaashi, bokuto and nishinoya

thought i'd switch it up and write something for the hq boys..

kuroo doesn't like to wake you up but if he's up before you, he'll revel in the first moments of the day by watching you wake up. he'll lay on his side propped up on his elbow, letting his arm loosen around your waist to softly trace his fingers on your arm. once your watch on your wrist begins to vibrate, signaling your alarm, you'll turn it off and bring your arms up, stretching over your head. "good morning, kitten," his voice is low and raspy but soft. "did you sleep well?" you roll over to tuck yourself into his chest, humming in response. he's always quite talkative in the morning, an energy that you have yet to match. "aw, my kitten is still sleepy," he coos, pressing his lips to your forehead. 10/10 falls asleep with you again but that's okay because he'll get to wake with you all over again too.

kenma is most likely out of these boys to still be sleeping. however, there are nights that you make him go to bed early so he can get to morning practice on time. he'll comply reluctantly but will compensate by waking up extra early so he can get some gaming in before he has to leave. he'll quietly play on his switch while you're still sound asleep next to him, occasionally reaching over to rub a comforting hand over your back or arm. when it's close to time for you to get up, he'll call your name with his soft voice while squeezing your upper arm, lightly shaking you. you wake with a little jolt, making him pull his hand away. "sorry, i didn't mean to startle you..." you turn towards him, still in a lethargic state and reach out to him in comfort. "you're awake..." he leads your hand to grab onto the hem of his shirt while he continues to play his game. "yeah...and now it's your turn." if you fall asleep again, he'll poke your cheek until you wake up and it's rewarding because you get to see his lil soft smile when you first open your eyes.

akaashi sets an alarm for both of you when you have to be up early in the morning. you'll agree on a time to wake up but that doesn't stop you from saying "five more minutes" and cuddling closer to him, which he loves but he needs to get up. to resolve this, he'll set an earlier alarm so that you'll get five more minutes while he'll get to embrace you a little bit longer, his hand caressing the back of your head. soon your five minutes are up and you're still holding him down in bed with your hands gripping his shirt. "baby, please, you have to wake up," he has to literally pull you out of bed with him and threaten to not kiss you if you don't brush your teeth which wakes you up more effectively than your alarm ever could. once you're all ready for the day, he'll cradle your face in his hands, greeting you properly. "good morning, love," he leans down to reward you with a loving kiss, the first of many that day.

bokuto wakes you up when he has to leave for a game at 4am. he kisses all over your face which slowly brings you back to consciousness. "kou? hmph—" his arms lift you up into an upright position so he can hug you tight one last time before he leaves. "i'll miss you so much," he pulls you away, your eyes barely open, before he gives you a quick kiss on the mouth and gently laying you back down. then he realizes this was a mistake as you grasp on his shirt and now he doesn't want to leave you. he decides that he'll hold onto you a little longer, but your warm body against his doesn't make it any easier. it takes akaashi calling him several times to remind him why he's up so early. he gives you one last kiss on your cheek before whispering "save some cuddles for me, okay babe?" winning a game feels even better when he gets to come home to you.

nishinoya is more of a morning person than he looks. he lets you sleep a little more while he gets up to get ready and does his hair. but then after that it's all over for your peaceful sleep. "wakey, wakey!" he playfully shakes your shoulder before jumping over you to open the blinds. now he's straddling your hips, pulling the cover down from over your face to expose you to the light. "are you awake yet babe??" he starts squishing and stretching your cheeks, knowing it makes you smile without fail. "there you are!" he squishes them once more to make your lips pucker and leans down to kiss you. "nOya!" you laugh against his lips before finally pulling his hands away from your face and pushing yourself up into a sitting position, him still straddling you. "good morning sleepy head" he wraps his arms around your neck, yours going around to his back, pulling you closer into an embrace. he pulls away to press multiple kisses to your cheek, making you fall back into the mattress while laughing. mornings are never boring with him!!

originally posted 7 Jan 2021

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