Chapter 17: Happiness

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Y/N burst out of her store fully clothed and wearing Johnny's jacket since he ripped her blouse breaking all the buttons off of it. She opened her umbrella running to the store across the street, speed walking to the women's aisle looking for Plan B or the morning after pills.

Johnny followed close behind her laughing of course as he grabbed a basket. He loved seeing her worked up as he watched her throw pregnancy tests, Plan B and morning after pills into the basket stressed.

Underneath he was also but the idea of him getting her pregnant was one he very much so liked, although neither of them were at all ready for a baby he wouldn't mind if she took a test and it came back positive...

"Stop smirking Storm or I'll beat your ass." Y/N threatened him quietly trying not to let other people hear.

He looked her up and down wanting to just pin her against the aisle, kissing every inch of her not caring at all that they were in public. Taking a deep breath getting those thoughts out of his head, he smirked and decided to mess with her.

"How about you just let me fuck your ass instead... He leaned down to her ear "I don't mind an audience" sticking his head in the crook of her neck gently kissing it.

Y/N took a deep breath immediately turned on looking around upset that she was actually debating on letting him do what he just whispered to her. "I hate you. I hope you know that." She grabbed the basket from him and walked to the pharmacist counter to get advice.

Johnny followed and held her from behind. "That's not what you said an hour ago, now is it?" he smirked hard as he put his face in her hair.

The pharmacist helped Y/N with what she needed to take, explaining how it all worked then looked at Johnny and glanced at the condom aisle. Y/N laughed as Johnny let out a deep breath then walked over and grabbed a XL box dropping it in the basket. Y/N looked down, making her hair hide her face as she bit her lip trying to control herself after seeing the box Johnny grabbed.

"I know you're laughing and trying to control yourself right now."

She cleared her throat hard and fixed her hair

"I have no idea what you're talking about Storm."

Y/N took the basket, saying thank you to the pharmacist walking to the front of the store buying everything.

"You owe me $93.87"

"How about I pay you back with takeout and a nice evening on your couch...?"

He raised his eyebrow at Y/N while holding her umbrella and walking her home. She looked at Johnny shaking her head wondering what she was going to do with this man. They continued walking, reaching her front door.

Y/N walked up the steps and unlocked her door. She and Johnny walked inside shaking the rain off. Johnny shook her umbrella outside then put it on the rack Y/N had next to her front door.

"Um here.."

Y/N took off Johnny's jacket handing it back to him holding her blouse closed. Although they had sex a little while ago, she still felt self conscious..


Johnny looked at Y/N holding her blouse shut. She looked so beautiful. He laughed quietly as she looked at the ground nervous.

He walked over to her breathing heavily. Y/N looked up at him trying to catch her breath as her heart began to beat fast.

Johnny slowly removed her hands from holding her shirt closed tight. He noticed her trying to catch her breath as he slowly opened her shirt looking her up and down

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