Chapter 7: Blossom

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Johnny was the first to wake up that early morning, as he rubbed his eyes he looked over at Y/N who was wrapped up in the sheets sleeping soundly while holding his hand. He smiled big and kissed her hand carefully getting up to put his shoes and roasted jacket on. After he did, he decided to go to Y/N's favorite breakfast place to get her some food so she can have another day to just relax after the events of yesterday. Writing a note for her, Johnny lightly tossed it on her counter and left quietly, little did he know he accidentally lit it on fire making it burn up into nothing leaving no damage thank god.

Y/N soon woke up 20 minutes later to her alarm clock going off, she looked over seeing it was 7 o'clock, her late start time for the store that day. She got up to get ready to leave but remembered she closed it for a week. "Oh right..." She whispers turning back around seeing Johnny gone, it broke her heart a little but silently understood since he did come back from space and with Reed saying they all needed to stay in the Baxter Building.

Rubbing her eyes Y/N got dressed and decided to go get some breakfast, she grabbed her scarf and purse and ready to head out the door Johnny came strolling in. "Y-You're back?" Y/N said shocked seeing that he returned.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast" he held up the bag of food "I had to stop by Reed's to get some new clothes, sorry I'm late, I left you a note." he walked over to the counter in her kitchen taking out the food and putting it on places for them.

"I didn't get or see a note." she looked down and saw some ash "Oh my god was there a fire?" she panicked a bit looking around

"No, uh... I didn't tell you huh?"

"Tell me what?"

"Watch my hand."

Johnny soon snapped his fire making it light fire making Y/N stand back a bit in shock

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Johnny soon snapped his fire making it light fire making Y/N stand back a bit in shock.

"Ben wasn't the only one affected by that cosmic storm..." he took a deep breath "I can light on fire, whole body." he moved his hand around motioning to all of him as he put their food on Y/N's table "Reed can stretch like Elastigirl from, "The Incredibles" and Sue can turn invisible and do a field or something, not too sure on that." Johnny sat down next to Y/N who was processing everything.

She took a deep breath.

"Oh wow..." getting a little teary eyed "I should've gone to space with you" Y/N started crying again feeling guilty over what happened to the four of them "I promised you nothing would happen and look-- something did a-and I wasn't there" she put her hands over her face as Johnny grabbed her fast.

"Don't do that. You did the right thing staying back. Ben and I were happy knowing you were safe and not with us when it happened, I- we couldn't handle that." He rubbed her back holding her "Come on let's have some breakfast and we can do whatever you want today. Ok?"

Y/N wiped her nose and eyes and nodded silently while starting to eat her breakfast.


That afternoon, Y/N was just sitting in silence on her couch playing with her hands with what her brother yelled at her replaying in her head...

"You know nothing of love...You're out here living in fantasies and dreaming of something to happen. Well, guess what Y/N... THEY NEVER COME TRUE."

She took a deep breath "They do come true..." she sniffled trying not to cry again when she noticed Johnny walk back downstairs holding her jacket.

"Come on Pidge, we're going on a walk" he says putting his jacket on looking at her

"I don't want to..."

"Too bad. I'm not letting you sit here and continue crying your eyes out, We're going outside and taking a walk."

Y/N stared at Johnny, he had that look in his eye... he was never going to give up until she said, "Yes"

"Ok..." she mumbled softly

Johnny smiled watching Y/N give in and get up putting her coat on

"It'll be fun, I promise."

They soon leave her house and take a walk to Central Park. Johnny kept glancing at Y/N hoping she'd smile while strolling through the park, but she didn't, to him she just looked broken...

He missed the high-spirited dreamer she was. The people in the park who Y/N talked to everyday when she'd walk through the park also noticed their favorite girl look upset as she walked by them, no wave, smile, or a simple, "Hi"

As they walked around one of the vendors who tried to sell rides to go around the park had picked a flower for Y/N, somehow the word got around something was off about her. The man walked up to Y/N and Johnny who were arm and arm, "Here Y/N, hope that one of your dreams comes true today!" He smiled, handing her the flower as she went to hug him as a thank you. They shared a nod and went on with their day.

"Thank you, Johnny."

Johnny stopped and looked at Y/N who was smiling bright at him

"Thank you for getting me out of the house and being here for me..."

She smiled and kissed him as Johnny put his hands on her hips deepening the kiss, smiling, pulling away looking into her eyes.

"One of my dreams just came true..."

"Which one?" he held her tight happy that Y/N was back to her old self

"The one where I romantically kiss a man, I might be in love with in one of my favorite places..."

They both smiled big at each other as they headed back to Y/N's house. She finally felt like herself, not ready to tell Johnny what happened with Ben just yet, but ready to take that step with Johnny... If he ever asked her to be his,  she would probably say "yes"

Johnny walked her up to her front door "I gotta head back, Reed wants us to start doing tests seeing our abilities tomorrow" he took her hands in his and leaned his forehead on hers "I'd love for you to be there, as much as I think this is cool and all... I'm a little scared."

"Sure, I'll be there." she smiled softly as Johnny kissed her forehead and walked away towards the Baxter Building

Y/N headed back inside her house heading straight to her room changing into her lazy clothes laying down on her bed watching Hocus Pocus with a book on the side and some hot chocolate when she saw a red orange light shine through her window as she got up to look, she smiled bright.

It was Johnny on the balcony of the Baxter Building shooting fire from his hands making it form a heart just so Y/N could see

"You idiot..." she whispered looking at the fire heart that was in the sky.

-- Little Note --

Aw Johnny is the sweetest...
Hopefully he stays his sweetheart self and not let the fame and attention change him...

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