Chapter 3: Johnny's Memories

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Johnny laid on his bed in his apartment staring at the ceiling wide awake. He hadn't gotten one ounce of sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and the moment they had parted ways just 3 days ago...

"I'll take you home."

"Uh no it's fine, I live just over there -- Not that far a walk, don't worry about it."

"Alright then, I'll see you around Pidge"

"Ugh idiot!" he yells, slapping his hand against his forehead "You should've walked her home..." he sat up looking at the time seeing it was now 6:30am. The feeling of guilt was eating him alive but also the feeling of joy of actually seeing Y/N again was starting to breakthrough

Next to his alarm clock was a photo of him and Y/N from 7th grade. He was a skinny kid who everyone would make fun of, and she was the confident, smart-ass girl that just about everyone needs in their life. Always reading and writing stories, never afraid to put someone in their place when they're out of line... Especially the people who would pick on Johnny.

Johnny and Y/N were the closest of friends through middle and high school until senior year when Johnny did something that broke her heart in two becoming his now playboy wanna be self...

-- Flashback to Senior Year 1999 --

"Look Y/N, I don't need your opinion! I can go to these popular kids parties whenever I want -- so get off my back" Johnny said annoyed while holding his phone while walking around his room getting ready for another teenage party.

Puberty hit Johnny like a truck. Over the summer before their senior year, he became a tad bit buff, grew a few inches taller and of course gained more confidence in himself. Since that happened everyone who ever gave him a hard time suddenly wanted to be friends with him. He enjoyed the attention, however Y/N did not...

"All I'm saying Johnny is that you have to be careful... Rachel invited you and may I remind you that she hates both of our guts? Well mostly mine." Y/N argues back calmly while finishing her half of the essay for their English that's due the next day.

"Then come with me, it'd be nice to go to a party with you one last time before we head off to college." He puts his jacket on grabbing his wallet and keys. "Plus, whom better to make sure nothing happens than my own personal bodyguard."

Johnny stood silent staring at himself in the mirror -- he regretted calling her that, truth was he was in love with his best friend, but he feared ruining their friendship if she never felt the same... When secretly she did...

Y/N rolled her eyes at Johnny's comment "Fine. I'll go but only for 15mins max, we have a project to finish TONIGHT storm." she says putting her phone back on the hook getting up putting her sweater and shoes on.

Not even 5 minutes later Johnny shows up at her door ready to drive them to the party. "Let's go have some last-minute senior year fun!" he claps and runs to open the door for Y/N closing it the moment she gets in running to the driver's side and speeds off to the party.

They soon arrived at Rachel's party just outside the city...

"You literally ran 4 STOP signs..." Y/N gets out of the car judging his driving skills and regretting going to this party but seeing Johnny excited about something always gave her a warm feeling inside.

"Pidge, sometimes you gotta live a little on the edge" He steps up next to her holding his arm out "Shall we?" smiling big waiting for her response.

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