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I just stood there. Frozen. Unable to function. That's when I feel his phone vibrate again, seeing its another message from that Ashley girl. I slam it face down onto the bathroom counter and rush out the door.

I push through the crowd of people, keeping my head down to try not to draw attention to me. Suddenly I bang into something, or someone. Hitting my face completely into their chest.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" I look up to see Tommy. I was so glad to see him. I immediately wrap my arms around him in a tight hug, tears threatening to fall.

"What's happening?" I hear Tubbo ask from behind me. I feel Tommy shrug in response, me having my face buried in his chest not being able to see. "Can I stay with you guys for awhile?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. "Oh- um sure." Tommy responses, looking concerned for my unusual actions. "Do you want to tell Sapnap where you're going before we leave?" Tubbo asks, walking up closer behind me.

I don't answer. The mention of his name makes my tears want to fall, break down in front of the crowd of drunk people. I walk out the door, hearing Tommy and Tubbo chase after me towards Tubbo's car. They both knew they should wait until I'm ready to tell them anything, so Tubbo goes around to the drivers side while Tommy sits with me in the back to my left.

I tuck my knees up to my chest, burying my face in my knees as I feel Tommy trying to comfort me by rubbing slow circles into my back. I couldn't really remember anything after that. I didn't specifically cry, I felt so numb. It was hard to accept that this is real, hoping that it was all just a dream, I fell asleep.



My head hurts, my body hurts, my everything hurts. I sit up, realizing I'm back at home. The only light being from the sun through the already open curtains. There is one important thing I realize though, Y/n isn't anywhere to be seen. She's probably already up.

I slowly get up due to my body feeling so delicate. That feeling where you just realize your sick, and skin feels raw, like if anything touches you you would just fall apart. Yeah, that feeling. My head is the worst out of it all though, having the worst headache you can possibly get.

I walk out of our room, making my way to the kitchen. Y/n isn't there, but Dream is. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asks turning to me, acknowledging my presence. "Everything hurts." I mutter, taking a seat at the table beside the counter. He just hums sympathetically as a response, taking a seat beside me.

"Where's Y/n?" I ask quietly. He just looks at me for a second or two, sympathetic look in his eyes. "The last time I saw her she went to the bathroom looking for you, at the party last night." He explains.

My heart drops. What if she's hurt. What if she's in danger. "Well we have to go look for her!" I yell, standing up in shock. "She's fine, Sap. I was texting with her last night." He reassures me. I sit back down, wanting to know more. I nod, motioning for him to continue. "She found another girl in your phone." He continues. "That's all she told me, so if you want to explain further then you right ahead." "And it better be a good explanation." We hear from the hallway coming from the guest room.

We look over to see George walking over to us. Hair all messy and unkept from just waking up. "You know that girl that I talked to at the airport when we first visited, and I even got her number?" I start after letting out a big frustrated sigh. Being frustrated with myself for not blocking her from the start.

Dream lets out a big sigh, resting his head in his hands. "What did I tell you." He says looking back up at me.

"Cool dude, but be careful, you might find the one soon and that'll come back to haunt you."

"Are you like a time traveller or something?" I ask in disbelief, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me as I sit back in the uncomfortable wooden chair. "She wouldn't leave me alone! I swear I told her many times, but she would just keep texting me! I should have blocked her a long time ago." I say looking up at the ceiling to avoid making eye contact with the two in front of me. "You should probably tell her that." George says the obvious, resting his head on top of Dream's. I didn't have time to realize that though before I got up, rushing to my room to get my phone.

It was sitting peacefully on the bed side table. When I flipped it over there were absolutely no notifications, causing a slight frown to spread across my face.
I really hope she lets me explain.


She probably has millions of messages and missed calls at this point. She hasn't answered me at all, not even one dry text. I'm debating on just going over there. The two options of where she can be is Tubbo and Tommy's house or Wilbur and Ranboo's apartment. Chances are she wouldn't even want to see me if she hasn't even bothered texting back. I really fucked up-

932 words

Short chapter!
But it's for a reason, definitely

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