>The Special Performance<

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I start to feel something stir beside me. I open my eyes slightly to see Y/n still cuddled up to me on her phone.
"Good morning~" I greet her in my raspy morning voice, looking down at her. "Morning," She greets with a smile.

"The performance is tonight, so I have to get ready soon-" She informs me with a frown. "That's alright, I'll see you tonight." I reassure her, placing my hand on top of her head with a smile.

Damn I miss her already.
That was only twenty minutes ago, but still. I took a cab home, not having any other form of transportation.
I braced myself for Dreams immense complaining about me just leaving him along with a hungover George.

I step inside, being met with nothing but pure silence. I walk around to look for them. The last place I look was their bedroom. I slowly open the door just a crack and peek in to see them asleep. Cuddling.
I swiftly pull out my phone to snap a quick photo. I'm definitely going to bug them with this later.

I walk back into the living room, not knowing what else to do except for wait for tonight.


This is it. Holly shit I'm nervous. The performance is only in five hours. Five hours! That's not enough time-

Sapnap just left and I'm now pacing around the living room, panicking.
Yes, I want to do this but I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if I mess up? What if he doesn't like the song? What if I'm just embarrassing mysel-

"Y/n calm down, it'll all be ok." Tubbos reassuring voice fills my ears from behind me. I quickly turned around, now facing the small brunette.
"But-" I get cut off immediately once again. "No buts! Stop overthinking it! I know he's going to love it." He reassures me, placing his hands on my shoulders to stop me from shaking.

"You're right..." I mutter out of embarrassment, looking down at my clothed feet. "I guess if something bad happens it doesn't really matter 'cause he's going back to Florida tomorrow anyway-" I say, sounding a bit down at my statement. Because I was.

"Well, you don't have to worry because that's not going to happen. Remember what I said?" He says easing an eyebrow at me.
"Yes, he's going to love the song and we're going to "get together"." I say putting finger quotes when I said 'get together'. "Correct! And I'm never wrong!" He says with a smile.

"You're not never wrong, you are just impossible to reason with that people just give up." Tommy argues from the kitchen, earning a scoff from the brunette in front of me before he turned around and plopped himself down on the three cushioned couch adjacent from the TV.

Rolling my eyes playfully I grab my phone from the coffee table in front of Tubbo and walk up to my room.
I didn't really know what to do until the performance.

~~~~~~~✨time skip✨~~~~~~~~

"nervous?" Ranboo asks with a smile, putting his arm around me reassuringly. "Well yeah-" I reply quietly.
"Don't be, we practiced almost everyday this week, it'll turn out good!"
He says enthusiastically.

"Guys we have to go, it's starting in twenty minutes and it's best to be early." Wilbur informs us, motioning us towards the door of our rehearsal space. We all walked out and to the car, we all decided to take separate cars again, we did meet here after all I guess.

The drive there felt like an eternity.
My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest the entire time.
I lean my head on the backseat car window trying to let the cold window settle my throbbing headache.
"We need a plan B," I say breaking the silence.

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