>What Are We?<

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I pulled out my phone and shot him a quick text, feeling my stomach wanting to explode with nervousness as I sent it.

Me: can you meet me back stage in a minute?

Not even a second later he replied.

Sapnap<3: be there in a sec!

A smile forms on my face from his text, forgetting for a second why I was freaking out in the first place. It came back to me when I heard the door to the back stage open.
My heart starts beating faster, feeling like I'm in the climax of a horror movie.

I turn around to see Sapnap approaching me with a warm smile.
"Hey, what's up?" He asks, stopping inches away from me.
My stomach starts to turn. I start to freak out, feeling like I'm about to throw up right here and now.
"I- uh..." I didn't even think of what I was going to say! How could I not come prepared.

"Uh- what did you think of the performance?" I ask thinking of an excuse in the moment, ending my words with a somewhat convincing smile. "It was awesome! I loved it, hearing you sing." He answers with a smile. That gave me a bit more confidence and reassurance. Just a little bit.

"I'm so glad! I wrote it myself!" I say with pride, standing tall with a smile.
"Really!? Wow." He says somewhat shocked.
"What was your inspiration?" He asks, now fully invested. Shit.
"Uh... well, I don't sing that often but when I got bored I played my guitar while talking to myself. Then I just formed it into a song!" I explain, trying to ignore his actual question.

"Wow, those were really interesting lyrics though, what were they about?"
Can he like read my mind? It's like he actually knows but just wants me to say it.
"My feelings." I answer abruptly, cutting him off a bit. "Feelings about what?" Why does he ask so many questions!
"My feelings for you! Ok!" I snap.
Double shit.

I quickly slap my hands over my mouth. We just stare at each other for a minute. I watch as his expression go from happy to confused.
"Oh! I just remembered Tommy asked for my help with something after the show!" I make the most shitty excuse to get out of the most shitty situation.

As I situate myself to quickly walk past him towards the stage door I feel a large hand grab my right shoulder, pulling me back to my previous position inches in front of Sapnap.
"You don't have to lie to me Y/n." He says with a slight frown.
"I'm not lying!" I mutter quickly.

"Yes you are because you talk quickly and urgently when you're lying." He states. I do? I never noticed- how does he notice-

A thick layer of silence brushes over us before he speaks up again.
"I feel the same." He says in a soft, almost inaudible tone.
"Wait- what?" I say out of shock, whipping my head up to look at him instead of the dirty stage floor.

"Yeah! Of course I do, you're amazing!"
He answers with a large grin.
"Like for real? Me?" I ask, still in shock.
"Yes!" He says with a slight chuckle.
"Hit me." I state emotionless.
Hit me. I need to know if I'm dreaming or not."

He laughs even harder at me, it quickly turning into more of a wheeze.
"I promise you this is real." He says catching his breath.
I couldn't even speak anymore, I was in to much shock. I quickly lean into him, engulfing him in the biggest hug.

~♡Still Into You♡~ (SapnapxReader)Where stories live. Discover now