>The Fair<

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Ok I know this is kind of basic doing a scene at the fair and all but like it's interesting and lots can happen, so it's a scene with so many ✨possibilities✨
Fanart isn't mine, I found it on Pinterest and thought it was funny :3
Anyways on with the story :D


It's the night of the fair. Finally! I have been looking forward to this ever since we planned it. Which was only a couple days ago, but that's a long time!

I stand in front of my dresser, staring at all the open drawers, conflicted on what to wear. I was deep in thought, putting together outfits in my head with the clothes filling the drawers in front of me.

"It's not that big of a deal, just pick something!" Tommy complains, falling into his back so he's fully laying on my bed to my right. "It's a big deal to me," I roll my eyes, not looking away from my dresser. "Well you're taking forever, so please just hurry!" He says dragging out the last word like a little kid throwing a fit in the middle of a candy store.

"Ok, I got it!" I exclaim, finally deciding on an outfit. "Finally!" He sighs of relief, not wanting to wait any longer.
I grab the needed clothing items and head to my bathroom, leaving Tommy alone in my room which isn't a really good idea, but I wasn't going to be gone for long.

I decided on a light grey sweater over top of a white collared button up shirt. For the bottom part I picked out a white skirt that went down just above my knees, half of it being covered by the grey sweater that was way to big on me.

After I was all dressed I returned to my room, seeing Tommy still laying on my bed. I let out a sigh of relief that he didn't mess with my stuff while I was gone. I go back to my dresser and pick out some jewelry that matched my outfit. It mostly consisted of a lot of rings and a couple of chain necklaces.
"You look good in anything you wear, so you shouldn't worry." He tells me, keeping his gaze locked on the ceiling above him. "Why thank you Tomathy!" I say with a smile, turning around to face him to where he gives me a glare back at the name.

"You don't have bad style yourself." I tell him turning back to my dresser, changing his glare into a soft smile.
"Alright we should go!" I say, jumping in the spot a bit from excitement.
"Someone's excited to see her boyfriend." Tommy teases playfully, getting up from my bed and following me out my bedroom door. "Shut up child." I mutter under my breath to try and hide the slight pinkness forming on my face.

We walk down stairs to the main floor, not seeing any sign of Tubbo. I thought he's probably just still getting ready in his room so I went to go see if he's almost ready. As Tommy runs to the living room, plopping onto one of the couches I make my way down the hall to Tubbos room.

"Hey Tubs! You almost ready?" I say right after softly knocking on the door.
"Yup just one second!" I hear his voice from inside his room.
I walk back out to the main area of the house, telling Tommy we are leaving and making our way to the door. As we were getting our shoes on, ready to head out the door we hear the frantic footsteps of the brunette running towards us. "Let's go!" He says excitedly, practically jumping into his shoes and grabbing his keys, causing me and Tommy to laugh at his eagerness.

We all hopped into Tubbos car, me allowing Tommy to get shotgun this time because I'm just that nice.
It wasn't that far of a drive, only about fifteen to twenty minutes, and that's not including the time it took to pick up Ranboo and Wilbur. We all thought it would save gas if we just went together, and it would be more fun.
"Can you pass me the aux cord?" I ask to no one in particular. "Here." Tommy passes me the cord, plugging it into the cars speaker first.

I immediately click shuffle on one of my Spotify playlists and let the music play, turning it up to a fair volume. Making it so we could still hear each other if we wanted to talk.

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