>What Did I Do?<

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I just felt like that photo of Karl had to be shared, take your screenshots now ;)
(Yes I know it's edited, but still)
Also play the video when you see \/


I'm actually pretty nervous to see Y/n. It's the night of the performance and we are leaving in no longer then ten minutes. Dream and George have no idea what's going on, I'm guessing neither do the others because Y/n doesn't even know. I have always been one to bottle up my feelings, never really telling anyone what I'm thinking or how I feel. It's a bad habit I know, but I just can't help it. I feel like people will just get annoyed or bothered if I tell them.

I wasn't really trying with my outfit tonight. I just threw on a black t-shirt and a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans. I grab my phone from the bed side table and walk out my bedroom door.


I was nervous, but excited. Excited to see Sapnap, if he's even going to come. But nervous because I'm always at least a little nervous before performing.

I decide to go with something a bit different tonight; I grabbed my favourite black short sleeved collared shirt that I paired with a pair of blue straight cut jeans, as well as a bunch of bronze chains and rings, topped off with a black and silver belt. Putting on a pair of black and white high tops for the shoes. I thought it looked pretty good, so I walked downstairs where Tommy and Tubbo were waiting for me.

"Ready?" Tubbo asks, spinning his keys on his right index finger while leaning against the wall near the door.
"You look like a dad who is driving me to football!" (Soccer) (I'm trying to use British grammar cause it takes place in England) I tell him with an amused smile. "Heh, whatever let's just go." He says laughing in defeat. "She's not wrong though!" Tommy adds, following slowly behind us while laughing his ass off.

We drove not even twenty minutes to a club that is different from the last one that we are performing at. The club owner actually called us this time, asking if we could perform there.

We pull up, immediately being met with a line of people waiting to get let in. We walk up to the start of the line and show the person at the front our IDs, proving it's us. We walk back stage to be met with Ranboo and Wilbur already being there.

"Hey guys! You ready? I think we go on  in ten minutes or so." Wilbur informs us. "Yea." I reply, setting my guitar down on the couch beside me.
"What's wrong Y/n? Are you nervous?" Ranboo asks, taking a seat beside me, putting his arm around me for comfort.
"Yeah, but Sapnap also has been ignoring me this whole week." I explain to him, not looking up from my hands that we're resting in my lap.

"Well, he's coming here tonight isn't he?" He asks, resting his head on mine. "I hope so..." I trail off.

"Ok guys! I have been told we have to set up now!" Wilbur annoyances, walking out the door. We all follow him backstage. Me and Ranboo carrying our guitars in their cases, and Tubbo with his Keyboard in its case.

We make it backstage, the curtains still closed as we hear crowds of people start to fill the fairly big establishment.
"We start in five minutes!" One of the staff members pokes their head through the curtain to inform us.
"Thanks mate!" Wilbur smiles back at them. "Is everyone ready?" He looks back at us, making sure we are all set up. We all nod in response, now waiting for the curtains to open.

After a minute or two the curtains finally start to open, the stage lights all shinning on each of us individually.

{•}~~~~~~play video :D~~~~~~{•}
If the video didn't show up for you then play- Boy Will Be Bugs by Cavetown :)
The lyrics in brackets are sung by Tubbo, Ranboo, and Y/n ;)

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