>The Trip<

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You both sit on the front lawn of your house, sitting side by side as you both watched the moving truck being filled with boxes.
"Where are you going?" He asks, taking his gaze off the truck and onto you.

"To England for my parents job." You explain sadly, looking down at the vibrant green grass that you were pulling up as a form of fidgeting.
"Will we ever see each other again?" He asks, watching you tear the healthy green grass apart.

"Of course we will!" You say enthusiastically, brightening up the mood. You look up from the grass to look at the little brunette boy sitting next to you. "I will come visit you, I promise!" You smile, leaning in for a tight hug.

"I'll miss you." He says into the hug, sniffing away his tears.
"It's ok Sappy! We will see each other again one day!" You reassure him, letting go of the emotion filled hug.

"Y/n! Come on we are going to miss our flight!" Your mom calls out to you, standing with the van door open, motioning for you to get in.
"Bye Sappy!" You wave him goodbye as you run off to your parents mini van. You roll down the window to stick your head out and wave at him as the van drives off. You watch as he slowly gets out of view, waving at him the whole time until you could no longer see him.


"DREAM! WHERES MY CHARGER!?" I yell as loud as I can, hoping he would hear me from my room.
"I DONT KNOW SAP! FIND IT YOURSELF!" I hear his faint voice yell back. I roll my eyes, already exhausted from a full day of packing.

Me and my two best friends slash roommates are taking a trip to England to visit one of George's old friends. They were apparently really good friends before he moved here to Florida from England.
George tells us a lot about him. He's apparently in a band?! Which is hella cool! George said he would let us get in to see them perform for free when we get there. We rented a small house to stay in instead of a hotel room because we are going to be there for three weeks.

I'm so excited to meet new people and see new places. George said he would show us around, considering he used to live there so he knows his way around pretty well.

I have known Dream and George for almost ten years know. We all met on a public Minecraft Manhunt sever. It started when Dream typed into chat "who wants to play against me?"
Me obviously being the kind of kid that liked to take up any challenge gladly excepted, and so did George. We ended up getting along really well, so we kept in touch. Who knew we would end up becoming roommates ten years later. Crazy to think about really.

"You almost done packing?" George asks standing in the doorway of my room, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. He looked like a dad who "just wants to talk" but without the facial expression, instead he had an excited smile on his face.
"Yup, almost." I reply looking back at my closet to continue packing the reset of my clothes.

I have all of tomorrow to pack as well, so I may as well stop for the night and get something to eat. I walk out of my room to make my way towards the kitchen, walking past the living room in the process where I see Dream and George on the couch watching TV.

I walk into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. The way the house is formatted the kitchen has a counter that makes it into a 'u' shape, the living room is fully visible if I were to look past the counter.

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