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Jason's POV

I woke up to the scent of pancakes filling the house. I slipped into my slipper and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I didn't know a seven-month pregnant woman could still dance to the Shatta Wale song. "Thunder Fire" while cooking. My stubborn wife. Approaching her, I wrapped my arms around her waist and smiled widely.

"Good morning." I greeted cheerfully.

"Morning, breakfast would be ready in about five minutes. Go.

"Mmm," I responded, still rubbing my fingers on her belly shield she prepared the juice. I turned her slightly so she could face me. I knelt on one leg and placed my ear on her belly. I couldn't help but smile; I couldn't believe I was going to be a father in the next two months. Events and memories, or what they call them, started filling my brain. Our fight after high school, our wedding, was like it never happened; her mum finally came down to settle in Ghana since Tasha requested it.  Getting up slowly, I faced her and started bringing my lips down to hers, but she pushed me back.

"You better find fluorine for your mouth. I love you." She said with a smile and returned to the breakfast she was preparing.

The afternoon came by so soon. I needed to spend time with my wife, so I decided against going to work. We spent the whole morning cuddling and making plans for our baby. I miss our teenage love where she could scream like she was mad. I still love her. I was preparing a juice for her since she had nagged me for the thirty minutes for it.

"Owwch! Awww! God!" I heard her yelling from a bedroom. You can just imagine what happened to my heart. I left the glass containing the juice, which ended up shattering, and I ran upstairs with my heart churning, thinking something terrible had happened to her. I burst into the room and saw her smiling down at her phone. I raised my eyebrow with a disgusted look on my face as I stood at the doorway.

"What?" Finally. She has noticed me.

"What was the screaming about?" I asked, getting angry at her but angrier at myself for being mad at her.

"Oh, that. My friends are coming here as well as my sister, with her husband and kids." She replied with one of her cutest smiles. God, how can a woman be so pretty while she was pregnant? I know you will say I'm a bit too much, but all the pregnant women I know gain big noses, and they look like God knows what.

"So do you have to scream Owwch! Aww! God! Just like that because you're happy. Tasha, really, you almost made me die; I thought your water had broke or you had slipped and fallen or something worse?" I said, finding myself screaming at her. Slowly she got up from her seat and walked towards me; when she reached her destination, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. At first, she started it slowly but quickened it to do it perfectly well.

She pulled away, and I held my gaze with her. God, I love this woman so much. I pecked her lips again, and she smiled.

"I'm also sorry I screamed at you; my anger got the best of me. Anyways your drink spilled on the floor when I heard you scream, so let me prepare you a new one." I stated and slowly started turning to leave. She pulled me back and looked at me with a tagging puppy look.

"I think I will just have any drink here." With that, she took my lower lip, and we started practicing how to kiss while you undress your partner.

"Knock. Knock!" I heard it in our main door. I pulled away from my sleeping wife and checked the time ten minutes past four. I descended down the stairs and made it to the main entrance. Glassdoor. I pulled it apart, revealing the smiling faces of Sasha, Felicia, Jay, Frankson, and Solomon.

"Hey! It's left with another party." Frankson said. I looked outside to find Joycelyn, Jake, and their two kids delighting from the car. My smile widened as our eyes met.

"Uncle Jason!!" Britney and Jacob screamed as they ran towards me, taking my attention off their parents. They hugged my legs as I patted their back, laughing loudly. They rushed inside as Joycelyn and Jake strode towards. My relationship with Tasha was able to yield all thanks to Joycelyn. I smiled widely as she pulled me into a hug. After shaking hands with Jake, we entered the hall to find these foreigners I call my friends already glued to the TV.

"Guys, Guys," I called after gaining their attention, I asked for help, and only Frankson and Felicia decided to help out Felicia being persistent as she was able to tag Jay along with us.

On the other hand, Sasha politely refused with the excuse of her pregnancy. No wonder she was friends with Tasha. Throwing the aprons to my newly found assistants, we started with our work.

"Dinner is ready!!" Felicia and Jay said in unison burst into laughter when they realized what they had done. With everyone settled, I excused myself to wake my darling wife up, still in bed. Do pregnant women find fancy in sleeping. I sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my hands on her arms until her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." I greeted cheerily. She mumbled something unreasonable and turned again  I couldn't help but smile. I poked her side, and she rolled back, staring at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Come on," I whined. "Food has been served downstairs. Hurry and change your clothes." I ordered as I pulled her onto her feet. She gave me a death glare, and I returned it with a chuckle until she entered the bathroom. After what seemed like an eternity, she got fully dressed, trust me. She had her neck to her feet covered. I quirked a brow, and all she said was, "I'm pregnant, and you are not."

"Where from the noise?" She asked as we got to the base of the staircase and turned in the direction of the dining hall.

Maybe rats or vampires." I answered, and she shook her head. Her eyes widened at the sight of her friends, sister, and brother-in-law.

"You didn't tell me," She complained, and I gave her my puppy face. She walked over to Joycelyn and gave her a hug.

"Wow, your bump has grown really big," her sister observed. She just shrugged and proceeded to hug the rest of our friends as we all spoke about old times. A knock was heard on the door, and we all turned to see who the uninvited person was.


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