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Jason's POV

"Dude, we will be late for class," I said to Frankson as I walked to the door.

"I'm done already, just leave, I will be with you in five minutes."

"I will be in CSV when you arrive at campus," I said loudly as I descended the staircase.

"You are now a nerd, wow, thanks to Tasha," I heard him say, but I ignored him and made my way out.

Minutes later, I entered CSV and I could feel all eyes on me. I searched for Tasha in the crowd, ignoring the stares cast my way. After a few attempts to notice her, I spotted her making her way out with her friends. I made sure I stood in a position where I would be noticed, and to my luck she did.

"Excuse us," she said as approached me.

"Tasha, can I —"

"This is not the time, let's talk later."

I slowly held her hands as I looked at her pleadingly.

"Let her go," I heard Jay's voice behind me. I seriously didn't understand why this dude seemed to have a colossal hatred for me. I let go of her hand, silently bypassed them, and found a spot to learn. I always had my way with girls, but I didn't know why I couldn't just get Tasha. A pat on my back brought me to my present state. Looking up from my Science textbook, my eyes met that of Fancy, a girl I had dated just for fun as always, but fell deeply for me. We only dated for three weeks, but it was fun dating her, she was my senior now, so I had to respect her. But I WON'T.

"Hey, what's going on? I asked, closing the book in front of me. "Nothing much, I haven't heard from you since last year, just wanted to check up on you."

"That's sweet, I'm fine anyway, thanks for asking," I replied sweetly. Placing her ass on the seat opposite me, she found my hand and stroked to my displeasure. Moments later I withdrew with respect as I didn't want to embarrass her.

"Exam is on its way, I'm preparing, so I need a little space," I said politely, trying hard not to sound rude which at the end of the day I gained a surprised look from her.

"Oh pls don't give me that surprised look, I'm dead serious."

"Did Tasha do this to you?" She asked quietly, looking in my eyes for a genuine answer. I always felt I owed her an apology, so I decided not to hide this from her.

"Yeah, I think so, but I am not learning for her. I need to pass the exams," I replied truthfully.

"Does Eva know you like Tasha?" She asked with a bit of sternness in her voice. Eva was my best friend since childhood before I met Frankson and Solomon. She knew all the secrets, but I couldn't let her know I had developed feelings for Tasha.

"No, she doesn't. I can't tell her." I stated simply.

"Regardless, I will leave you with your books, see you later," She said and waved as she left.

For the rest of the day, nothing interesting happened.


Tasha's POV

Almost two weeks more to holiday; a vacation to be precise. Examinations left me stressed in addition to being a steward. If I was to be reborn after death, stewardship would be the last thing I would ever wish for. Dad had made provisions for me to be brought home by my driver, to which I reluctantly agreed. He always used the excuse of your life is always in danger 'so long as long as I don't resign my post, you'd be in danger and I have to keep you safe" to lure me into agreeing, but I always persuaded him to allow Sasha, Jay, and Felicia to come with me to which he also reluctantly agreed. I couldn't wait to go home to be with my laptop and room, the only two things after my loved ones. Removing my core maths textbook to revise some topics, I heard my phone beep. Sending my attention to my phone, the caller ID read 'unknown number.' I never gave my number to an unknown person, neither did I receive calls from an unknown number. Ignoring the caller, I concentrated on my book. After a couple of hours, I decided to close my books and search for my friends.

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