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The weeks moved faster than usual. My best friends and I grew closer each day, but Felicia distanced herself from me since Jason and I became friends. Being a steward wasn't easy. I couldn't believe students of NEW GARDEN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL voted me as their school prefect. Edith, the girl I competed with, almost beat me, but I managed to place a gap between us with a hundred and sixty-two votes. She tried spreading false rumors about me, but it was no avail. I knew I was a bad girl. I mean, I went to beaches, parties, I had drunk alcohol once, but I was forced by my ex-boyfriend and many bad things with my best friends. But sex was one thing I didn't want to do. My virginity is my top priority. So could see why Edith failed with the rumors'. I've held my head high, my best friends had also lashed out their anger whenever they heard anything, and finally, Jason had proved himself worth a friend when he almost beat up a boy when he heard the boy saying he had slept with me before.

I was angry at him for using violence at first, but I melted down when I realized what he did was one way or the other right.

'If persuasion fails, force must be applied.' I smiled broadly when I remembered his quote when I questioned him about his behavior.

"What is someone smiling about this early afternoon?" A voice asked from beside me.

"Nothing, I lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I just felt like smiling."

"I hear," he agreed and sat by me.

"Will you find a different place to sit your ass?" I asked, pretending to be angry.

"Nope," he said playfully, emphasizing the P.

"I never knew you were this crazy," I said amid laughter.

"Should I bring your lunch to you, or you will sit at your high table?"

"When did that nice thought come into mind?"

"Should I?" He pushed for an answer.

"If you want to, but don't make it obvious."

"Thank you so much," he said and pecked me.

"What is the school prefect doing with the wayward boy? Sasha asked, with Jay following closely.


Jason got up and tried leaving but was stopped abruptly by Jay. Sasha and I turned to them with surprised looks.

"Dude, why?"

"You dare not pull a fast one on me. Either you stay away from Tasha, you face my wrath."

"Jay, what's that? He's just my friend, not what you are thinking of."

"Tasha, stay out of this before I lose my patience."

"Jay!" Sasha cried out. "Just leave him be."

"What's wrong with you?" Have you fused your brain with the oil!"

"You will get an exceptional answer if you don't stay away from her."

"Just let go of me! I don't want to fight you,"  Jason said silently and left.

Jay kept quiet, fuming with anger. I couldn't ask him whether he was concerned about me or maybe Felicia.

The bell rang for lunch at the perfect moment. Jay left the class still fuming, with Sasha closely following behind. I sat in my chair, still wondering why Jay put up that behavior. It was very unusual for him to be angry without reason. I placed my brain in its proper position after it refused to think. Deciding to go for lunch, I packed my plate and cutlery into my lunch bag and headed for the door.

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