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I always thought University was all about fun and less learning, but I guess I was wrong. That place is more than hell, just that in this kind of hell, with your GPA smiling broadly at you. Even with the skipping of lectures, that most annoying lecturer would tell you to give him an 'ideal' reason why you missed class. I mean, it's that part of your hustle. Nevermind.

I graduated from the University of Ghana two years ago. I've got so much on my mind, but the uppermost is my wedding to the generous man on earth whom I nearly lost to a nonsensical girl because of my pride, and you can name it. I will tell you what happened years ago but for now, let me concentrate on my wedding. A 'PLETHORA' bridesmaids and blah blah, but I still can't wait till I hear "I do" from Jason's lips. My phone beeping got me distracted, and I took the phone to realize it was Jason calling.

"Hello?" His voice zoomed through the phone.

"Yes, babe."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes! Wait, almost"

"Okay. I'll be at your house. In fact, I'm on my way to your room." He informed me, and  I looked down at myself in underpants. God, he can't see me in this. I quickly threw the phone on the bed and tried covering myself with the nearest cloth, but I wasn't quick enough since someone snatched the piece of fabric, and I turned to see Jason smirking like his life depended on it. If someone had prophesied I would love this guy after all these years, I swear I would have murdered that person.

"Huh?" I heard Jason ask as he snapped his fingers at me, still smirking. This guy can never do anything without sneering.

"What?" I ask, raising my eyebrow at home  He stretched his arms and caught my waist. Pulling me close, and if I say close, trust me, not even a thread could pass between us.

"I was saying that, what did you think you were about to do? Cover yourself? Come on, babe, you are too grown for that. What do you think I would use your small boobs for alongside your thighs. So tiny," he said and made a face, and I tried to free myself from his arms, but he was too strong. His breathing was heavy, and I just wanted to stay like that for the rest of my life. I pushed away from him and decided to frown even though it was challenging since I was biting into my lips to stop the smile from threatening to showcase itself. I managed to put up an angry face, and he kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry, babe, I was just kidding; I can't do anything without you" He apologized, and I smiled broadly. "I guess I won," I said amidst laughter. "I made you win," he said amidst laughter, and his eyes settled on my lips. I stared into his eyes and looked away since I couldn't bear the gaze anymore. He slowly tacked his finger under my chin and brought my lips to his. First, I didn't want to return it, but God, all girls want to be with such lips. Opening my mouth a little, I received his lower lip into my mouth, feeling a rush of blood through my veins. Sometimes I still wondered what Nate me loved him so much. I didn't know how my legs went around his waist, neither did I know how we made it to the bed. He pecked my lips, and I looked straight into his pupil. They were both filled with lust. He closed his eyes, trying to get that out, but it was in vain. Each time he tried, his black pupil darkened. I let out a small laugh, helping him remove his shirt; my eyes got stuck on his toned body.

"Do you still workout?" I asked as he brought his tongue to my neck, and a moan escaped from my mouth.

"Yes." He replied while sucking my lower lips. I opened my legs a bit wider, and I regretted it that very moment. We both agreed on no sex until I was Mrs. Herbets, but I realized the love we were making would break that agreement since he was really hard. I saw him close his eyes with his bulge tempering in between my thighs. But this didn't stop him from what he was doing. He deepened the kiss each time he was tempted to remove my clothes.

"Jason?" I called, and his gaze flickered from my navel to my eyes. His look said it all. He had that look. "I really want us to do it, but I know you will get mad at me later even though we both will enjoy this." I carefully held his face with my hands and kissed him passionately.

"I think we should - ." I started, but he cut me off.

"Tasha, I love you. I really do with all my heart." With that, he crashed his lips to mine, and we were utterly lost.

My eyes flickered open, and I yawned. I stayed at my spot for some moments and decided to turn, but I realized instead of my usual soft pillow, my elbow hit a hard thing, and I heard a groan. Jesus! I screamed in me. What happened yesterday. I slightly turned since Jason's arms were still around my waist. I smiled when I saw the peaceful face he had. Life has been a little cruel to him because it stole his father away from him without warning. But that didn't stop him from attaining his dream. I held his arms, pecked him, and proceeded to remove his arms, but he held me tightly. I looked from his arms to his face, and I saw he was still asleep.  I tried again and failed, and for the third time, I heard him say, "Just stay here, right in my arms. I need you close to me, babe." I stared at him for long, thinking he was sleep talking, but his eyes began to open, and he smiled. Oh my God. How can a man be still handsome this early morning without a bath? He smiled again, but this time if only deepened those dimples I loved so much. He pulled me closer, and I could feel his heartbeat.

"Let's stay like this. We're not going anywhere today, okay." He stated, and I nodded, and we drifted back to sleep.

Hello guys. thanks for reading.

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