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Tasha POV

"Mum!!" I screamed, descended the stairs, and landed in her arms, almost knocking her off. "Hey, slowly, I'm going to fall off," Mum said amidst laughter. "Are you back for good?" I ask, dragging her suitcase alongside me. "Not really. I'm back because your dad asked deafening silence. I made my way back to my room. I pulled my wardrobe open and settled for an oversized shirt and tattered jeans shorts. Satisfied with the looks on my body and face, I called Jay. After the conversation, I gulped down the last orange juice in my fridge and opened the door to receive whoever's was knocking. My eyes opened in shock at the person at the door.

"Wouldn't you let one inside?" He asked in a teasing voice, and I stood in shock. He said, "Since you can't find your voice can you serve me with a malt drink?" Pulling my strength together, I made it to the fridge and served him his drink

"Aren't you going to welcome me? I mean, it's been months since I saw you after our last paper." He said, but when I kept mute, he continued," come on, Tasha, I'm a human being, not a ghost stop staring at me that way,"

"Why didn't you call me during all those months?" I found myself asking him. With that, he placed his drink on the coffee table. Standing up, he pulled me into a hug, and I wrapped my hands around him as if he might disappear again if I didn't hug him tight. His breathing was heavy, and the strawberry scent on him made my heart leap with joy.


Fancy's POV

"Fancy, come on, Jason has eyes for only Tasha, just back off now," Ella had advised  I had been on a chase for love from Jason ever since we were in school, but he chose Tasha. Sitting with my arms folded, I decided to forget Ella's advice and plan my life well. I still couldn't shake that feeling off; what did Tasha have that I don't have," I asked myself. Taking bottled water from the fridge, I made my way to my bed and started jotting down my points on how to ruin the relationship. With that thought settled in my mind, I silently said, "I always get what I want."


"Hmm! Let me enlighten you on my life in the past three months since I proposed to you," Jason started and slumped into the armchair on the left side of my bed. " when we vacated, my dad got to know I had publicly announced to the whole school I was in love with you. I proposed, and you accepted blah blah and so many stuff" He sighed again.

"Language, young man," I cautioned and sat on his thighs with my arms circling his neck.

He continued, "So, he got angry because he says what I did was unacceptable so, I lost my phone and most gadgets to him, and I was banned from taking a foot out of the house for ninety days and today is the ninety-first day, so I'm here. Actually, you're the only one I have spoken to and seen since I've been released. None of my friends know."

"So?" I asked, inhaling his sweet breath.

His eyebrows knitted together, and a smirk came to the corners of his mouth. I prayed silently because I've seen and known that this kind of smirk doesn't come without reason. He got me giggling when he stood up with my body attached to his chest, my legs around his waist, and my finger lingering through his hair. To be frank, he had grown very handsome these past months. My pulse raced, and my heart clutched as I started in his eyes still in that posture.

"I think you should take a picture; it would last longer," he informed, and I laughed. "So I was thinking if I could take you to watch a movie."


"So what time should I come and pick you? Because it's actually tomorrow?"

We elaborated his puny when I pulled my eyebrows together.

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