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"Dad, I simply can't go and stay in the boarding house again." I protested.

"Whether you like it or not, you are staying there. You're a caretaker, Tasha. Don't let loose my patience." He retorted. Quietly I pushed the file to him. He removed the forms and ticked the box, which meant I was a boarder again. I shut my eyes with pain in my heart and was upstairs to my room. My phone started to ring. Shifting to the edge of the bed, I took the phone, receiving the call in the process.

"Tasha, are you home?" I heard Jay's voice at the end of the receiver.

"Yes, I am. Why do you sound so desperate?"

"Am I? He asked.

"Yes. Is everything alright at your end?"

"Yeah, everything. I was busy with one or two things, but I'm done now. When will you set your foot in hell?" I asked.

"Maybe tomorrow. You?"

"Same. Is Felicia alright now?"

"She's okay. She was discharged this morning." Jay revealed.

"Thank God. If anything, just tell me." I pleaded.

"Why not. Have you heard from Jason?"

"No, why do you ask?" I asked, seeming a little surprised that Jay had mentioned Jason to me.

"He wanted to speak to you. I think he likes you. Jay calmly said.

"I hope so. I'm not interested in him." I lied. "He's Feil's ex. I can't date him." I reasoned with him.

"Yeah, we all know. Bye, I got to go. See you." With that, I hung up and rested my head on the wall with the blanket wrapping my petite body.

"Come in," I yelled, heading a knock on my door.

"Tasha, where the hell are you?" I heard my brother's voice ask. Opening the washroom door, I stepped out and gave him glares.

"You better cover those tiny things of yours, will you?" He screamed as if he was looking at me.

"Chill.  I will, and gentleman, these are not tiny if you care to know." I protested, pulling a shirt over my body.

"Mum is downstairs waiting for you." He announced. With that, I ran past him and flung the door open, racing down the stairs.

"Mum!!" I screamed as I spotted her talking happily with my sister.

"Hey! Slow down; you might throw me off." She said happily.

"Mum, you could have told me you were coming. I could have prepared a nice meal for you."

"I think mum doesn't want to die early; that is why she didn't tell you she was coming over. The question is do you know how to cook?" My brother knew how to embarrass a human.

"Whatever. Where's dad?" I asked as I scanned the hall.

"Hi. Betty, welcome back." I heard Vida's voice. I turned to see my mum smile. Did she always smile? My sub-conscience asked.

"I haven't come to stay; I'm just here for a visit. Anyway, you look nice in those, Vida." She complimented, but there was sarcasm in her voice. Vida hurriedly left the room since Joycelyn had her cat eyes on her.

"I hope you didn't give her a hard time?" She asked Joycelyn, who smiled lightly.

"Not precisely. I can't let her take my mum's position." She said as she embraced mum.

"Should I call Sasha here? I mean my friends. They would love to see you." I asked, and she seemed delighted by why I said.

"Sure. Tasha, are you aware your sister is dating?" My mum asked with a smirk.

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