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"Ding Dong." I heard our bell ring. Getting up lazily from the couch I made my way to the front door. Again, I lazily opened the door and peeked my face through the doorway after verifying the person in the pinhole. Yawning, I spotted Amuzu, our security, smiling broadly at me with his almost brown teeth.

"Any problem?"

"Yes, ma'am. This gentleman says he has a mission here." He said, pointing at a very nice young man with a blue V-neck shirt hugging his chest and revealing his abs. He wore navy green trousers and had a brown envelope under his arms. His beard was shaped nicely, and his light smile added to his beauty.

"I don't think I'm meeting anyone today, Brain isn't home and I know he is not one of Brian's friends," I said, not looking at the stranger but Amuzu.

"He said he is Jake and is here to see Joycelyn." Amuzu gave the information.

Suddenly a smile broke on my face. I remembered his face. I never thought he would be so elegant in person, I'm not saying his pictures are wrong, but some men are more excellent in pictures than in person. Anyway, he's for my sister, so I'm not going to exaggerate. Pulling the door open, I admitted him in and signaled Amuzu to leave.

"You can sit here as I fetch my sister for you," I said gesturing him to a couch as he stood there indecisive.

"Ahh, thank you." He said, scratching his beard nervously.

Climbing the stairs, I walked past my brother's room and, reaching my sisters, I knocked and entered.

"Joyce, someone is waiting for you downstairs," I stated as I slumped into her bed.

"Who?" She asked, pulling the curtains open to allow sunlight into the room, after which she removed a juice from her fridge and poured me a cup.

"Who again?" I asked, pulling the other side of the curtains open to allow enough sunlight into the room. "Who again?" I asked playfully.

"Just tell me," she pleaded.

"If you follow one to the hell, you will see the person." I chuckled. "It's a little boy," I added as I saw the disappointed look on her face.

Pulling her wardrobe open, my mouth flew open. The Joycelyn I knew was never into clothes; once she got something to cover her body, she was okay. I saw her put on a white crop top was tattered blue short jeans. When did this woman go shopping?

"What?" She asked when I kept staring at her. I think.

"When did you develop eyes for fashion?" I asked after I reasoned. She always got angry when she was questioned about her idea on Fashion.

"I was always into Fashion. I just hated the idea of changing clothes every day just in the name of Fashion. Besides, I didn't dress to please whoever I was meeting. Maybe it might be Calvin, a foolish friend I have." She stated simply."

"I think it's time to leave; he has waited for long. Thanks for the drink anyway." I said after gulping down half of the juice.

"Has she prepared lunch?" Joycelyn asked as we descended the stairs and turned right to the hall.

"No. I don't think she's home," I replied.

"Good news." She said with a wide smile.

Entering the hall, Jake had his eyes on his phone and failed to notice that we had entered. Joycelyn had a distant look on her face when she saw Jake and sent me daggers through the corner of her eye. Trying to snap Jake out of his state, I clapped furiously. He jolted back; his eyes immediately scanned the figure that stood almost close to him. From his eyes, I could see he liked what he saw. Staring at my sister's thighs, I saw her folding her arms under her breast.

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