Chapter 8

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~sometimes you read a book & it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal & you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless & until all living humans read the book~
Deathstrokes camp was huge I was surprised that it even fit on this island and still have more land for the Justice League. Army trucks parked along the border of the flat land, a house made of wood sat alone in the middle with guards around it. A large building-like a prison-took up half of the land.
"Why would he have a prison?" I quint my eyes as we hide behind bushes.
"If anyone crossed his line, they get thrown in the slammer," Henry explains.
"Then what?"
"He either trains them to be like him or kills them," my heart melted.
"Why kill?" James speaks up.
"If they aren't willing to be like him, he will kill them as punishment."
"I really don't like this," James mutters under his breath.
"You can leave if you want." Slade laughs slightly making James fall behind next to Gab and Lucie.
"SLADE WILLSON!" A very strong voice shouts and we turn around.
"John," Slade says bluntly and bravely.
"Ahh! It's Deathstroke, Henry," John-Deathstroke-says. He has a red glowing patch on his right eye. Obviously doesn't have a right eye. He is tall, dark black hair, tan skin, the two colours he is wearing is red and black. He wears black, long, army pants and a shirt that's black and red.
"Oh and I see you brought 5 shadows with you," Deathstroke does a fake as hell laugh and Slades eyes under the mask saddens at the word 'shadow'. "Why are you here, Slade?"
"We have a truce."
"And..?" He swings his gun around.
"So, I need to see if someone is in the prison," Slade shoots his words out.
"Of course we have people in there," Deathstroke stand impatiently.
"Have you thrown any new people in?" I suddenly speak up making Slade glare at me.
"You are?" Deathstroke asks but before I could answer Slade answers.
"Nyssa Al Ghul," he says.
"Nyssa, to answer your question, yes. A few actually."
"Can we please see?" Edmund says.
"That's Ra's Al Ghul." Slade quickly says.
"Got new members of the league I see," Deathstroke starts off towards the prison. "Oh and leave your weapons."
I glance at Slade who nods stiffly, we stop at the heavy iron door and drop our weapons next to it. Slade follows putting his bow down along with the arrows.
Deathstroke points to Slades boots, he sighs bending down and pulling a couple knives out.
And we walked in.

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