Chapter 33

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Unknown’s POV

I jump out of my car and start heading for the small house in front of me. Why did they have to choose this place out of all places! I try to ring the bell while keeping all the files I’m holding from scattering all around the floor. When I fail, I kick the door, hoping someone will hear it and come open the door. After two seconds, the door creaks open. I shudder at the voice. I glare at the face that opens the door for me and he hurries to help me with the files. “I’m sorry it took long; why didn’t you call?”

“Well, I didn’t know the house would be that old and… greasy.” I squint at my surroundings.

“They’re upstairs.”

I look up and see that the stairs are a step away from crumbling and taking whoever dares to step on it down.

“You had to choose the dirtiest, oldest house, right?”

“Honey, it’s okay; it’s only one meeting.” He shrugs.

When I get upstairs, I see the familiar faces I’ve gotten to see everyday surrounding a circular table. I shake my head at them as I take a seat at the head of the table and take in their fixed stares at me. I shift around in my seat as I start to spread the files on the table.

“Okay so her full name is Evangeline Grace Adams. Or as she calls herself now, Angel Reed. She’s a doctor at LenoxHillHospital, an obstetrician actually.” I take in a deep breath then go on, “She has the morning shifts, but sometimes there are emergencies that she needs to attend to at night. Luckily, she is on vacation starting next Tuesday till Saturday.”

I stop for a second to let them absorb what I just said.

“So when are we performing it?” A voice asks.

“And how exactly are we doing it?” A female voice follows.

“Well, I was thinking about Thursday. ‘Cause you know, Eternity will be alone; her parents are traveling, so no one would be able to save her.”

“Except Ace.” A voice chimes in.

“Which is exactly what we want, if you know what I mean.”

“Does Hector know?”

I freeze for a second then say, “No, we can’t tell him. Consider it a rogue deal, even though we’re not exactly rogue.” I blurt out quickly.

“Why can’t we tell him?”

“Because he’d want to get at Angel for real, and we can’t do that.” I say impatiently.

“She’s right.” The one who opened the door for me talks for the first time since we sat down, “Now, we need to figure out a way to do it.”

“How about a fire? It’s the easiest thing we can do.” One of them says.

My body goes numb and I search for a way to get out of it but then I think about it. A fire would be good, indeed. A fire is effective. A fire is easy. A fire is… I snap out of my reverie when one of them puts a hand on my shoulder. “Are you listening?” I nod slowly and say, “A fire is a pretty good idea. It’s amazing, actually!”

“Great then,” They all say simultaneously.

“Okay so now we go through the plan.”

“You,” I say pointing at one of them. “You’ll be the first to sneak in, you’d turn the… microwave, for example, on. On the highest degree possible. Then we’ll pour gas on the front porch and hide somewhere near the house. In the bushes, I guess. Then you, “I point at another,“ would light matches or a throw an ignited firelighter or something.”

They all stare at me like I’m crazy. Well, I am. I came up with this whole thing.

“Why are you staring at me?” I ask nervously.

“You’re an evil genius to be honest.”

I chuckle softly then glance at the clock in my phone, seeing the three missed calls left. “Well, I need to leave now. I have plans.” I start rising from my seat.

“I’ll walk you,” he stars to rise too when I put a hand on his, “No, I’m okay; I’m just in a hurry.” Before he gets to reply, I walk out the door and run down the stairs not caring if it crumbles beneath me. Even if it does, I wouldn’t mind. I’m a horrible person, anyway.


DUN-DUN-DUN... What do you guys think? *evil grin* Do you have any idea who this mysterious person might be?? Let us know! Don't forget to vote and comment! XD -M&N 

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