ᑭᗩᖇT TᕼIᖇTY

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Behind the door, spitting and roaring, stood a wall. A wall of earth, a wall of something so similar to rock that it probably could of been. In the middle, a gash stood prominent, a red glowing light showing itself from deep inside.

The tear in the universe throbbed and oozed, large, slithering vines sliming their way out from the centre. Barbara didn't feel safe in the slightest, and the glass elevator protecting her from that thing, suddenly felt like the weakest in the world. Holland's newly found power should've made her rebel, to speak her word, but she found no voice inside of her at all. All noise had been stolen from her throat.

The glass box slowly descended down to another heavy door which protected a control room full of machinery and monitors. As the three walked through in silence, they were met with dissatisfaction and concern about Barbara's lack of protection. She knew that she wasn't safe, and Brenner did too.

"Dr Brenner," a man in a white lab coat approached them, his own safety measures secured in place. "I apologise for the inconvenience, sir, but may I ask if the girl is safe? If we are sending her in, surely she'll need some form of hazmat?"

Martin pursed his lips. "No, she will not be in there for long."

Barbara's heart dropped. They wanted to send her into that thing, that place. What lay on the other side was assumed to be nothing but horror- but she needed to be brave if she wanted to save Will.

Peering out of the window, almost on cue, a button was pressed and out shot something truly mesmerising. A shining laser fired out from the centre of the control room, so bright in its colour that it was turning a shade of electric blue. Barbara froze in her stance as she watched on, legs trembling slightly from the pure power of the machinery.

The platform shook and the workers grinned, eyes growing wildly at their marvellous creation. After years of hard work and dedication, they had finally done it.
They had created a portal to the other side.

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