ᑭᗩᖇT TᗯᗴᑎTY Tᕼᖇᗴᗴ

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Nancy nodded as Tommy passed her another beer. She didn't want it, nor need it, but through politeness she took it anyway. The orange liquid splashed around the bottle as she watched her boyfriend take a swig of his, cigarette propped carefully in hand. Carol crossed her legs smugly, lounging back onto the deckchair she had occupied.
The pool lights sent ripples of blue onto the wall, illuminating the pavement and tainting the bricks. It was quite nice to just sit there and ponder the world.

Tommy lit another cigarette and offered it to Carol, who took the paper without a second thought. Nancy however, refused the one offered to her. She had never been a fan of smoking, never saw the need to be. It only polluted your lungs, and in the long run, elevates problems even more. A quick fix was not a long one.

The group blew long puffs of smoke out in rhythm, watching as grey clouds spread into the atmosphere. Rather than smoke, Nancy just watched her own breath become visible in the chill of the night.
Minute passed through minute and the attendees slowly but surely lost all sense of realisation and basked in the calm of the high, eyes caressing the stance of the newly emerging stars.

Wheeler turned her head, staring happily at the spare deckchair beside the group. Spare deckchair.... spare deckchair.
With a slight sigh, Nancy huffed. She had a slight suspicion that Barbara wouldn't return, but couldn't blame her if she felt uncomfortable. After all, it was a bit of a push.

Steve sat up. "You okay, Nance?"

His girlfriend blinked. "Yeah, it's just that Barb hasn't come back yet."

The other male in the group chuckled under his breath, coughing out a blow of smoke while doing so. "Told you she wouldn't come back, Carol."

Perkins rolled her eyes sarcastically, smiling mockingly over to Nancy. "Told you so." She taunted.

Wheeler rolled her eyes, picking nervously at her fingernail. The thought to ring Mr or Mrs Holland creeped into her mind, wanting to be assured that her friend had made it home safe and not got lost on the way.
And that's exactly what she did.

Tʜᴇ Fᴏʀɢᴏᴛᴛᴇɴ- Bᴀʀʙᴀʀᴀ HᴏʟʟᴀɴᴅOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora