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22 1 0

The corridors seemed eerily quiet, even though they were swarming with people as usual. It was almost like Barbara was on autopilot, although the little person controlling her mind was taking a break and no longer paying attention. Everything seemed colder too, but that was probably the 'freaked out' part of the situation. Barb had no idea what had happened in class, and practically jumped out of her skin when the class bell rung and set them free. Mind replayed like a dodgy tape at the sight of Sydney's face, faint and pale, and it made her wonder if it was a sign that she needed help or something similar. The young Holland could only assume the worst.

"Barb!" A hand fell heavy on her shoulder, making her turn around in a panic. "I forgot to say earlier, but it's good to see you back."

Barbara blinked as her friend, Nancy, joined her on her walk to class. Steve, Tommy and Carol lingered behind, not wanting to get too close incase of ruining conversation.
"Yeah I suppose. Look I'm sorry for the last time we spoke- I really am."

Nancy curled her lips into a weakened smile. "I know you are. At least you're feeling better?"

Her friend paused for a moment, stringing together the right reply. "Uh, actually, I was wondering if you want to come over tonight? I could do with speaking to you." She paused to glance back towards the others. "Alone." 

Barbara didn't really want to tell Nancy about her encounters, didn't really know how to, but deemed it necessary. After the copious amounts of spine-chilling happenings, she started to wonder whether it wasn't just her mind playing tricks after all.
When a reply wasn't made, Barb lost hope.

"Uh-" Wheeler stuttered before looking back to Steve with a pained expression. "Actually Barb, I'm going to a party tonight."

Barbara blinked, sinking slightly inside. "But it's Thursday."

"I know, but, I want to go."

Taking a deep breath, a nod was displayed. "It's fine Nance, I get it. I'll tell you another time."

Barbara knew that there wouldn't be a next time, as she didn't think the courage to say would arrive again. It looked like she was going to stay in the dark once more, just like the many times before.


The end of the day came slowly, taking a pause around every corner incase Sydney appeared again. She didn't, much to Barbara's relief.
The air was chilly as the girl walked home, no friends by her side. Nancy and Barbara used to walk home together nearly every day, swapping revision notes and skills learnt earlier in time, but that was no longer a daily occurrence. In-fact, it didn't even stretch to weekly or monthly anymore either. The once common feature was no longer existent in day to day life. At the start of last term Steve Harrington had started giving Nancy Wheeler lifts to and from school, much to her enjoyment. Barbara didn't enjoy it quite so much when the days were dark and dull.

After taking a few more steps onwards, Barbara's nose grew wet. Assuming to be a slight run from the cold, Holland lifted her sleeve to wipe away the slight trickle, but when arm was lowered back down, she was not met with the clear, watery liquid as expected, but rather with deep crimson blood instead.
Thinking rapidly to stop the drip transferring onto her blouse, Barbara fumbled around in her pocket for a tissue.

Nose stabilised and clear once again, her eyes resumed their view on the pavement. Almost instantly, she wished that they hadn't.
Across the road, under a heightened pyramidal tree, stood the same girl who had showed herself in the classroom earlier that day.
Sydney had returned, for yet another unknown reason. Her gown had grown even more grimy, body slightly more transparent than before. It was almost like every time she showed herself, her energy became weaker. Or it could've been the hallucinators energy- either one would've been an acceptable assumption.

And just like before, a blink and she was gone.

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